
Rong Yang

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25EEChing-Te Chiu, Tsun-Hsien Wang, Wei-Ming Ke, Chen-Yu Chuang, Jhih-Rong Chen, Rong Yang, Ren-Song Tsay: Design optimization of a global/local tone mapping processor on arm SOC platform for real-time high dynamic range video. ICIP 2008: 1400-1403
24EERong Yang, Zhenyuan Wang, Pheng-Ann Heng, Kwong-Sak Leung: Fuzzified Choquet Integral With a Fuzzy-Valued Integrand and Its Application on Temperature Prediction. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 38(2): 367-380 (2008)
23EEBaihong Chen, Rong Yang: Activities for Usability in Lenovo China. HCI (10) 2007: 267-273
22 Rong Yang, Adel Said Elmaghraby: A graph model for generating simulated web domains. SEDE 2007: 259-264
21EERong Yang, Zhenyuan Wang, Pheng-Ann Heng, Kwong-Sak Leung: Classification of Heterogeneous Fuzzy Data by Choquet Integral With Fuzzy-Valued Integrand. IEEE T. Fuzzy Systems 15(5): 931-942 (2007)
20EEZhenyuan Wang, Rong Yang, Pheng-Ann Heng, Kwong-Sak Leung: Real-valued Choquet integrals with fuzzy-valued integrand. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 157(2): 256-269 (2006)
19EERong Yang, Pheng-Ann Heng, Kwong-Sak Leung: Backward Reasoning on Rule-Based Systems Modeled by Fuzzy Petri Nets Through Backward Tree. Computational Intelligence for Modelling and Prediction 2005: 61-71
18EERong Yang, Zhenyuan Wang, Pheng-Ann Heng, Kwong-Sak Leung: Fuzzy numbers and fuzzification of the Choquet integral. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 153(1): 95-113 (2005)
17EEYong Duan, Chun Wu, Shibasish Chowdhury, Mathew C. Lee, Guoming Xiong, Wei Zhang, Rong Yang, Piotr Cieplak, Ray Luo, Taisung Lee, James W. Caldwell, Junmei Wang, Peter A. Kollman: A point-charge force field for molecular mechanics simulations of proteins based on condensed-phase quantum mechanical calculations. Journal of Computational Chemistry 24(16): 1999-2012 (2003)
16 Rong Yang, Pheng-Ann Heng, Kwong-Sak Leung: Backward Reasoning on Rule-Based System Modeled by Fuzzy Petri Nets through Backward Tree. FSKD 2002: 18-22
15EERong Yang, Steve Gregory: Exploiting Efficient Control and Data Structures in Logic Programs. PADL 2002: 318-331
14 Rong Yang: An Empirical Study on Teaching and Learning Computer Languages. ISCA Conference on Intelligent Systems 2001: 148-153
13EERong Yang, Steve Gregory: Andorra Model Revised: Introducing Nested Domain Variables and a Targeted Search. LPAR 2001: 610-623
12EERong Yang: Line-Breeding Schemes for Combinatorial Optimization. PPSN 1998: 448-460
11 Vítor Santos Costa, David H. D. Warren, Rong Yang: Andorra-I Compilation. New Generation Comput. 14(1): 3-30 (1996)
10 Rong Yang, Tony Beaumont, Inês de Castro Dutra, Vítor Santos Costa, David H. D. Warren: Performance of the Compiler-Based Andorra-I System. ICLP 1993: 150-166
9 Steve Gregory, Rong Yang: Parallel Constraint Solving in Andorra-I. FGCS 1992: 843-850
8 Vítor Santos Costa, David H. D. Warren, Rong Yang: The Andorra-I Preprocessor: Supporting Full Prolog on the Basic Andorra Model. ICLP 1991: 443-456
7 Vítor Santos Costa, David H. D. Warren, Rong Yang: The Andorra-I Engine: A Parallel Implementation of the Basic Andorra Model. ICLP 1991: 825-839
6 Gopal Gupta, Vítor Santos Costa, Rong Yang, Manuel V. Hermenegildo: IDIOM: Integrating Dependent And-, Independent And-, and Or-parallelism. ISLP 1991: 152-166
5 Péter Szeredi, Rong Yang, Mats Carlsson: Interfacing Engines and Schedulers in OR-Parallel Prolog Systems. PARLE (2) 1991: 439-453
4EEVítor Santos Costa, David H. D. Warren, Rong Yang: Andorra-I: A Parallel Prolog System that Transparently Exploits both And- and Or-Parallelism. PPOPP 1991: 83-93
3 Rong Yang: Solving Simple Substitution Ciphers in Andorra-I. ICLP 1989: 113-128
2 Rong Yang, Hideo Aiso: P-Prolog: A Parallel Logic Language Based on Exclusive Relation. New Generation Comput. 5(1): 79-95 (1987)
1 Rong Yang, Hideo Aiso: P-Prolog: A Parallel Logic Language Based on Exclusive Relation. ICLP 1986: 255-269

Coauthor Index

1Hideo Aiso [1] [2]
2Tony Beaumont [10]
3James W. Caldwell [17]
4Mats Carlsson [5]
5Baihong Chen [23]
6Jhih-Rong Chen [25]
7Ching-Te Chiu [25]
8Shibasish Chowdhury [17]
9Chen-Yu Chuang [25]
10Piotr Cieplak [17]
11Vítor Santos Costa [4] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11]
12Yong Duan [17]
13Inês de Castro Dutra [10]
14Adel Said Elmaghraby [22]
15Steve Gregory [9] [13] [15]
16Gopal Gupta [6]
17Pheng-Ann Heng [16] [18] [19] [20] [21] [24]
18Manuel V. Hermenegildo [6]
19Wei-Ming Ke [25]
20Peter A. Kollman [17]
21Mathew C. Lee [17]
22Taisung Lee [17]
23Kwong-Sak Leung [16] [18] [19] [20] [21] [24]
24Ray Luo [17]
25Péter Szeredi [5]
26Ren-Song Tsay [25]
27Junmei Wang [17]
28Tsun-Hsien Wang [25]
29Zhenyuan Wang [18] [20] [21] [24]
30David H. D. Warren [4] [7] [8] [10] [11]
31Chun Wu [17]
32Guoming Xiong [17]
33Wei Zhang [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)