
Katsuhiro Yamazaki

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10EEAnh Tuan Hoang, Katsuhiro Yamazaki, Shigeru Oyanagi: Multi-stage Pipelining MD5 Implementations on FPGA with Data Forwarding. FCCM 2008: 271-272
9EEAnh Tuan Hoang, Katsuhiro Yamazaki, Shigeru Oyanagi: Three-stage pipeline implementation for SHA2 using data forwarding. FPL 2008: 29-34
8EETran Minh Quang, Shigeru Oyanagi, Katsuhiro Yamazaki: ExMiner: An Efficient Algorithm for Mining Top-K Frequent Patterns. ADMA 2006: 436-447
7EETran Minh Quang, Shigeru Oyanagi, Katsuhiro Yamazaki: Mining the K-Most Interesting Frequent Patterns Sequentially. IDEAL 2006: 620-628
6 Akira Uejima, Katsuhiro Yamazaki: Parallel Radiosity: Evaluation of Parallel Form Factor Calculations and a Static Load Balancing Algorithm. ISHPC 1999: 181-193
5EEKatsuhiro Yamazaki, Shoichi Ando: A Case-Based Parallel Programming System. PDSE 1998: 238-245
4 Kenzo Okuda, Katsuhiro Yamazaki: An Application of Case-Based Reasoning for Fault Restoration Support in Electric Power Systems. IFIP Congress (3) 1992: 273-279
3 Katsuhiro Yamazaki, Takanobu Baba, Kenzo Okuda, Hiroyuki Kanai: Architectural Evaluation and Improvement of a Universal Host Computer MUNAP. IFIP Congress 1986: 779-784
2 Takanobu Baba, Katsuhiro Yamazaki, Nobuyuki Hashimoto, Hiroyuki Kanai, Kenzo Okuda, Kazuhiko Hashimoto: Hierarchical Micro-Architectures of a Two-Level Microprogrammed Multiprocessor Computer. ICPP 1983: 478-485
1 Kiyoshi Shibayama, Shinji Tomita, Hiroshi Hagiwara, Katsuhiro Yamazaki, Toshiaki Kitamura: Performance Evaluation and Improvement of a Dynamically Microprogrammable Computer with Low-Level Parallelism. IFIP Congress 1980: 181-186

Coauthor Index

1Shoichi Ando [5]
2Takanobu Baba [2] [3]
3Hiroshi Hagiwara [1]
4Kazuhiko Hashimoto [2]
5Nobuyuki Hashimoto [2]
6Anh Tuan Hoang [9] [10]
7Hiroyuki Kanai [2] [3]
8Toshiaki Kitamura [1]
9Kenzo Okuda [2] [3] [4]
10Shigeru Oyanagi [7] [8] [9] [10]
11Tran Minh Quang [7] [8]
12Kiyoshi Shibayama [1]
13Shinji Tomita [1]
14Akira Uejima [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)