
Geert Willems

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6EEGeert Willems, Tinne Tuytelaars, Luc J. Van Gool: An Efficient Dense and Scale-Invariant Spatio-Temporal Interest Point Detector. ECCV (2) 2008: 650-663
5EEGeert Willems, Tinne Tuytelaars, Luc J. Van Gool: Spatio-temporal features for robust content-based video copy detection. Multimedia Information Retrieval 2008: 283-290
4EENele Van Steenberge, Paresh Limaye, Geert Willems, Bart Vandevelde, Inge Schildermans: Analytical and finite element models of the thermal behavior for lead-free soldering processes in electronic assembly. Microelectronics Reliability 47(2-3): 215-222 (2007)
3EEGeert Willems, Frank Verbiest, Maarten Vergauwen, Luc J. Van Gool: Real-Time Image Based Rendering from Uncalibrated Images. 3DIM 2005: 221-228
2EEMaarten Vergauwen, Daniel Pletinckx, Geert Willems, Frank Verbiest, Luc J. Van Gool, Truus Helsen: As Time Flies By: Mixed Image and Model-Based Rendering of an Historical Landscape from Helicopter Images. VAST 2004: 241-250
1EEBart Vandevelde, Dominiek Degryse, Eric Beyne, Eric Roose, Dorina Corlatan, Guido Swaelen, Geert Willems, Filip Christiaens, Alcatel Bell, Dirk Vandepitte: Modified micro-macro thermo-mechanical modelling of ceramic ball grid array packages. Microelectronics Reliability 43(2): 307-318 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Alcatel Bell [1]
2Eric Beyne [1]
3Filip Christiaens [1]
4Dorina Corlatan [1]
5Dominiek Degryse [1]
6Luc J. Van Gool [2] [3] [5] [6]
7Truus Helsen [2]
8Paresh Limaye [4]
9Daniel Pletinckx [2]
10Eric Roose [1]
11Inge Schildermans [4]
12Nele Van Steenberge [4]
13Guido Swaelen [1]
14Tinne Tuytelaars [5] [6]
15Dirk Vandepitte [1]
16Bart Vandevelde [1] [4]
17Frank Verbiest [2] [3]
18Maarten Vergauwen [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)