
Eric Pichon

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7EEJohn Melonakos, Eric Pichon, Sigurd Angenent, Allen Tannenbaum: Finsler Active Contours. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 30(3): 412-423 (2008)
6EEEric Pichon, Allen Tannenbaum: Curve segmentation using directional information, relation to pattern detection. ICIP (2) 2005: 794-797
5EEEric Pichon, Carl-Fredrik Westin, Allen Tannenbaum: A Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Approach to High Angular Resolution Diffusion Tractography. MICCAI 2005: 180-187
4 Marc Niethammer, Eric Pichon, Allen Tannenbaum, Peter J. Mucha: A stokes flow boundary integral measurement of tubular structure cross sections in two dimensions. ICIP (1) 2003: 825-828
3 Eric Pichon, Marc Niethammer, Guillermo Sapiro: Color histogram equalization through mesh deformation. ICIP (2) 2003: 117-120
2EEEric Pichon, Allen Tannenbaum, Ron Kikinis: A Statistically Based Surface Evolution Method for Medical Image Segmentation: Presentation and Validation. MICCAI (2) 2003: 711-720
1EEDaesu Chung, Reid Hirata, T. Nathan Mundhenk, Jen Ng, Robert J. Peters, Eric Pichon, April Tsui, Tong Ventrice, Dirk Walther, Philip Williams, Laurent Itti: A New Robotics Platform for Neuromorphic Vision: Beobots. Biologically Motivated Computer Vision 2002: 558-566

Coauthor Index

1Sigurd Angenent [7]
2Daesu Chung [1]
3Reid Hirata [1]
4Laurent Itti [1]
5Ron Kikinis [2]
6John Melonakos [7]
7Peter J. Mucha [4]
8T. Nathan Mundhenk [1]
9Jen Ng [1]
10Marc Niethammer [3] [4]
11Robert J. Peters [1]
12Guillermo Sapiro [3]
13Allen Tannenbaum [2] [4] [5] [6] [7]
14April Tsui [1]
15Tong Ventrice [1]
16Dirk Walther [1]
17Carl-Fredrik Westin [5]
18Philip Williams [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)