
Nobuyuki Shiraga

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3 Kozo Sato, Nobuyuki Shiraga, Yuji Yuasa, Eiichi Kohda, Sachio Kuribayashi: Multislice CT angiography in surgical planning for renal cell carcinoma: visualization of tumor vessels compared with DSA. CARS 2001: 1136-1137
2 Nobuyuki Shiraga, Yoshinori Sugino, Eiichi Kohda, Kozo Sato, Seiji Kobayashi, Yuji Yuasa, Sachio Kuribayashi: Two-dimensional and three-dimensional MDCT diagnosis of early gastric cancer. CARS 2001: 1138-1139
1EEYoshinobu Sato, Carl-Fredrik Westin, Abhir Bhalerao, Shin Nakajima, Nobuyuki Shiraga, Shinichi Tamura, Ron Kikinis: Tissue Classification Based on 3D Local Intensity Structures for Volume Rendering. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 6(2): 160-180 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Abhir Bhalerao [1]
2Ron Kikinis [1]
3Seiji Kobayashi [2]
4Eiichi Kohda [2] [3]
5Sachio Kuribayashi [2] [3]
6Shin Nakajima [1]
7Kozo Sato [2] [3]
8Yoshinobu Sato [1]
9Yoshinori Sugino [2]
10Shinichi Tamura [1]
11Carl-Fredrik Westin [1]
12Yuji Yuasa [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)