
Lilla Zöllei

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8EEMahnaz Maddah, Lilla Zöllei, W. Eric L. Grimson, Carl-Fredrik Westin, William M. Wells III: A mathematical framework for incorporating anatomical knowledge in DT-MRI analysis. ISBI 2008: 105-108
7EELilla Zöllei, Mark Jenkinson, Samson J. Timoner, William M. Wells III: A Marginalized MAP Approach and EM Optimization for Pair-Wise Registration. IPMI 2007: 662-674
6EEGheorghe Postelnicu, Lilla Zöllei, Rahul Desikan, Bruce Fischl: Geometry Driven Volumetric Registration. IPMI 2007: 675-686
5EELilla Zöllei, William M. Wells III: Multi-modal Image Registration Using Dirichlet-Encoded Prior Information. WBIR 2006: 34-42
4EELilla Zöllei, Erik G. Learned-Miller, W. Eric L. Grimson, William M. Wells III: Efficient Population Registration of 3D Data. CVBIA 2005: 291-301
3EELilla Zöllei, John W. Fisher III, William M. Wells III: A Unified Statistical and Information Theoretic Framework for Multi-modal Image Registration. IPMI 2003: 366-377
2EELilla Zöllei, Lawrence P. Panych, W. Eric L. Grimson, William M. Wells III: Exploratory Identification of Cardiac Noise in fMRI Images. MICCAI (1) 2003: 475-482
1EELilla Zöllei, W. Eric L. Grimson, Alexander Norbash, William M. Wells III: 2D-3D Rigid Registration of X-Ray Fluoroscopy and CT Images Using Mutual Information and Sparsely Sampled Histogram Estimators. CVPR (2) 2001: 696-703

Coauthor Index

1Rahul Desikan [6]
2Bruce Fischl [6]
3John W. Fisher III [3]
4W. Eric L. Grimson (Eric Grimson) [1] [2] [4] [8]
5Mark Jenkinson [7]
6Erik G. Learned-Miller [4]
7Mahnaz Maddah [8]
8Alexander Norbash [1]
9Lawrence P. Panych [2]
10Gheorghe Postelnicu [6]
11Samson J. Timoner [7]
12William M. Wells III [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8]
13Carl-Fredrik Westin [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)