
Raúl San José Estépar

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8EEMatthew Jolley, Jeroen Stinstra, David M. Weinstein, Steve Pieper, Raúl San José Estépar, Gordon L. Kindlmann, Robert S. MacLeod, Dana H. Brooks, John K. Triedman: Open-Source Environment for Interactive Finite Element Modeling of Optimal ICD Electrode Placement. FIMH 2007: 373-382
7EEGordon L. Kindlmann, Raúl San José Estépar, Marc Niethammer, Steven Haker, Carl-Fredrik Westin: Geodesic-Loxodromes for Diffusion Tensor Interpolation and Difference Measurement. MICCAI (1) 2007: 1-9
6EERaúl San José Estépar, Nicholas Stylopoulos, Randy E. Ellis, Eigil Samset, Carl-Fredrik Westin, Christopher Thompson, Kirby Vosburgh: Towards Scarless Surgery: An Endoscopic-Ultrasound Navigation System for Transgastric Access Procedures. MICCAI (1) 2006: 445-453
5EERaúl San José Estépar, George G. Washko, Edwin K. Silverman, John J. Reilly, Ron Kikinis, Carl-Fredrik Westin: Accurate Airway Wall Estimation Using Phase Congruency. MICCAI (2) 2006: 125-134
4EERaúl San José Estépar, Steven Haker, Carl-Fredrik Westin: Riemannian Mean Curvature Flow. ISVC 2005: 613-620
3EERaúl San José Estépar, Anders Brun, Carl-Fredrik Westin: Robust Generalized Total Least Squares Iterative Closest Point Registration. MICCAI (1) 2004: 234-241
2EEMarcos Martín-Fernández, Raúl San José Estépar, Carl-Fredrik Westin, Carlos Alberola-López: A Novel Gauss-Markov Random Field Approach for Regularization of Diffusion Tensor Maps. EUROCAST 2003: 506-517
1EERaúl San José Estépar, Marcos Martín-Fernández, Carlos Alberola-López, James Ellsmere, Ron Kikinis, Carl-Fredrik Westin: Freehand Ultrasound Reconstruction Based on ROI Prior Modeling and Normalized Convolution. MICCAI (2) 2003: 382-390

Coauthor Index

1Carlos Alberola-López (Carlos Alberola) [1] [2]
2Dana H. Brooks [8]
3Anders Brun [3]
4Randy E. Ellis [6]
5James Ellsmere [1]
6Steven Haker [4] [7]
7Matthew Jolley [8]
8Ron Kikinis [1] [5]
9Gordon L. Kindlmann [7] [8]
10Robert S. MacLeod [8]
11Marcos Martín-Fernández [1] [2]
12Marc Niethammer [7]
13Steve Pieper [8]
14John J. Reilly [5]
15Eigil Samset [6]
16Edwin K. Silverman [5]
17Jeroen Stinstra [8]
18Nicholas Stylopoulos [6]
19Christopher Thompson [6]
20John K. Triedman [8]
21Kirby Vosburgh [6]
22George G. Washko [5]
23David M. Weinstein [8]
24Carl-Fredrik Westin [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)