
Charles R. Weisbin

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9 Guillermo Rodriguez, Charles R. Weisbin: A New Method to Evaluate Human-Robot System Performance. Auton. Robots 14(2-3): 165-178 (2003)
8 Charles R. Weisbin, David B. Lavery, Guillermo Rodriguez: Robots in Space: U.S.Missions and Technology Requirements into the Next Century. Auton. Robots 4(2): 159-173 (1997)
7EECharles R. Weisbin, Melvin D. Montemerlo, William Whittaker: Evolving directions in NASA's planetary rover requirements and technology. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 11(1): 3-11 (1993)
6EECharles R. Weisbin, Melvin D. Montemerlo: NASA's Telerobotics research program. Appl. Intell. 2(2): 113-125 (1992)
5 S. Sitharama Iyengar, A. S. Sabharwal, François G. Pin, Charles R. Weisbin: Asynchronous production system for control of an autonomous mobile robot in real-time environment. Applied Artificial Intelligence 6(4): 485-509 (1992)
4 Charles R. Weisbin, Gerard de Saussure, J. Ralph Einstein, François G. Pin, Ewald Heer: Autonomous Mobile Robot Navigation and Learning. IEEE Computer 22(6): 29-35 (1989)
3 Charles R. Weisbin: Intelligent-Machine Research at CESAR. AI Magazine 8(1): 62-74 (1987)
2 Charles R. Weisbin: Artificial Intelligence Applications, CAIA 1985, The Engineering of Knowledge-Based Systems, Proceedings of the Second Conference, Miami Beach, Florida, USA, December 11-13, 1985 IEEE Computer Society / North-Holland 1985
1 S. Sitharama Iyengar, C. C. Jorgensen, S. V. N. Rao, Charles R. Weisbin: Learned Navigation Paths for a Robot in Unexplored Terrain. CAIA 1985: 148-155

Coauthor Index

1J. Ralph Einstein [4]
2Ewald Heer [4]
3S. Sitharama Iyengar [1] [5]
4C. C. Jorgensen [1]
5David B. Lavery [8]
6Melvin D. Montemerlo [6] [7]
7François G. Pin [4] [5]
8S. V. N. Rao [1]
9Guillermo Rodriguez [8] [9]
10A. S. Sabharwal [5]
11Gerard de Saussure [4]
12William Whittaker (Red Whittaker) [7]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)