
Guillermo Rodriguez

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11EEManuel Mejía-Lavalle, Guillermo Rodriguez, Gustavo Arroyo: Non-Myopic Feature Selection Method for Continuous Attributes and Discrete Class. ENC 2007: 52-57
10EEEduardo Islas, Miguel Pérez, Guillermo Rodriguez, Israel Paredes, Ivonne Ávila, Miguel Mendoza: E-learning Tools Evaluation and Roadmap Development for an Electrical Utility. JTAER 2(1): 63-75 (2007)
9 Eduardo Islas, Miguel Pérez, Guillermo Rodriguez, Israel Paredes, Ivonne Ávila, Miguel Mendoza: Roadmap for Training Processes Using E-Learning Systems. CAINE 2005: 395-401
8EEMaría-del-Mar Gallardo, Jesús Martínez, Pedro Merino, Guillermo Rodriguez: Integration of Reliability and Performance Analyses for Active Network Services. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 133: 217-236 (2005)
7 Guillermo Rodriguez, Charles R. Weisbin: A New Method to Evaluate Human-Robot System Performance. Auton. Robots 14(2-3): 165-178 (2003)
6EEGuillermo Rodriguez, Pedro Merino, María-del-Mar Gallardo: An extension of the ns simulator for active network research. Computer Communications 25(3): 189-197 (2002)
5 Guillermo Rodriguez, Pedro Merino: Modelling and Simulation of Active Network Protocols. ICDCS Workshop on Internet 2000: A43-A50
4 Abhinandan Jain, Guillermo Rodriguez: Computational Robot Dynamics Using Spatial Operators. ICRA 2000: 843-849
3 Charles R. Weisbin, David B. Lavery, Guillermo Rodriguez: Robots in Space: U.S.Missions and Technology Requirements into the Next Century. Auton. Robots 4(2): 159-173 (1997)
2 Abhinandan Jain, Guillermo Rodriguez: Diagonalized Dynamics of Robot Manipulators. ICRA 1994: 334-339
1 Abhinandan Jain, Guillermo Rodriguez: Decoupled Dynamics of Space Manipulators. ICRA (3) 1993: 609-614

Coauthor Index

1Gustavo Arroyo [11]
2Ivonne Ávila [9] [10]
3María-del-Mar Gallardo [6] [8]
4Eduardo Islas [9] [10]
5Abhinandan Jain [1] [2] [4]
6David B. Lavery [3]
7Jesús Martínez [8]
8Manuel Mejía-Lavalle [11]
9Miguel Mendoza [9] [10]
10Pedro Merino [5] [6] [8]
11Israel Paredes [9] [10]
12Miguel Pérez [9] [10]
13Charles R. Weisbin [3] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)