
Markus Weinhardt

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12EEJoão M. P. Cardoso, Markus Weinhardt: From C Programs to the Configure-Execute Model. DATE 2003: 10576-10581
11EEVolker Baumgarten, G. Ehlers, F. May, Armin Nückel, Martin Vorbach, Markus Weinhardt: PACT XPP - A Self-Reconfigurable Data Processing Architecture. The Journal of Supercomputing 26(2): 167-184 (2003)
10EEJoão M. P. Cardoso, Markus Weinhardt: Fast and Guaranteed C Compilation onto the PACT-XPP? Reconfigurable Computing Platform. FCCM 2002: 291-292
9EEJoão M. P. Cardoso, Markus Weinhardt: XPP-VC: A C Compiler with Temporal Partitioning for the PACT-XPP Architecture. FPL 2002: 864-874
8EEMarkus Weinhardt, Wayne Luk: Task-Parallel Programming of Reconfigurable Systems. FPL 2001: 172-181
7EEMarkus Weinhardt, Wayne Luk: Pipeline vectorization. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 20(2): 234-248 (2001)
6EEMarkus Weinhardt, Wayne Luk: Evaluating Hardware Compilation Techniques. FCCM 2000: 333-334
5EEMarkus Weinhardt, Wayne Luk: Pipeline Vectorization for Reconfigurable Systems. FCCM 1999: 52-62
4 Markus Weinhardt, Wayne Luk: Memory Access Optimization and RAM Inference for Pipeline Vectorization. FPL 1999: 61-70
3 Markus Weinhardt: Portable Pipeline Synthesis for FCCMs. FPL 1996: 1-13
2 Markus Weinhardt: Computing Weight Distributions of Binary Linear Block Codes on a CCM. FPL 1996: 425-430
1 Markus Weinhardt: Integer Programming for Partitioning in Software Oriented Codesign. FPL 1995: 227-234

Coauthor Index

1Volker Baumgarten [11]
2João M. P. Cardoso [9] [10] [12]
3G. Ehlers [11]
4Wayne Luk [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
5F. May [11]
6Armin Nückel [11]
7Martin Vorbach [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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