
Li-San Wang

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19EELogan Everett, Li-San Wang, Sridhar Hannenhalli: Dense subgraph computation via stochastic search: application to detect transcriptional modules. ISMB (Supplement of Bioinformatics) 2006: 117-123
18EEStanislav Angelov, Boulos Harb, Sampath Kannan, Li-San Wang: Weighted isotonic regression under the L1 norm. SODA 2006: 783-791
17EELi-San Wang, Tandy Warnow: Reconstructing Chromosomal Evolution. SIAM J. Comput. 36(1): 99-131 (2006)
16EEJijun Tang, Li-San Wang: Improving Genome Rearrangement Phylogeny Using Sequence-Style Parsimony. BIBE 2005: 137-144
15EELuay Nakhleh, Derek A. Ruths, Li-San Wang: RIATA-HGT: A Fast and Accurate Heuristic for Reconstructing Horizontal Gene Transfer. COCOON 2005: 84-93
14EESridhar Hannenhalli, Li-San Wang: Enhanced position weight matrices using mixture models. ISMB (Supplement of Bioinformatics) 2005: 204-212
13EELuay Nakhleh, Li-San Wang: Phylogenetic Networks, Trees, and Clusters. International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2005: 919-926
12EELi-San Wang, Shane T. Jensen, Sridhar Hannenhalli: An Interaction-Dependent Model for Transcription Factor Binding. Systems Biology and Regulatory Genomics 2005: 225-234
11EELuay Nakhleh, Li-San Wang: Phylogenetic Networks: Properties and Relationship to Trees and Clusters. T. Comp. Sys. Biology 2: 82-99 (2005)
10EEStanislav Angelov, Boulos Harb, Sampath Kannan, Sanjeev Khanna, Junhyong Kim, Li-San Wang: Genome Identification and Classification by Short Oligo Arrays. WABI 2004: 400-411
9 Cara Stockham, Li-San Wang, Tandy Warnow: Statistically based postprocessing of phylogenetic analysis by clustering. ISMB 2002: 285-293
8EELi-San Wang, Robert K. Jansen, Bernard M. E. Moret, Linda A. Raubeson, Tandy Warnow: Fast Phylogenetic Methods for the Analysis of Genome Rearrangement Data: An Empirical Study. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2002: 524-535
7EELi-San Wang: Genome Rearrangement Phylogeny Using Weighbor. WABI 2002: 112-125
6EEBernard M. E. Moret, Li-San Wang, Tandy Warnow: Toward New Software for Computational Phylogenetics. IEEE Computer 35(7): 55-64 (2002)
5EEBernard M. E. Moret, Jijun Tang, Li-San Wang, Tandy Warnow: Steps toward accurate reconstructions of phylogenies from gene-order data. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 65(3): 508-525 (2002)
4 Bernard M. E. Moret, Li-San Wang, Tandy Warnow, Stacia K. Wyman: New approaches for reconstructing phylogenies from gene order data. ISMB (Supplement of Bioinformatics) 2001: 165-173
3EELi-San Wang, Tandy Warnow: Estimating true evolutionary distances between genomes. STOC 2001: 637-646
2EELi-San Wang: Exact-IEBP: A New Technique for Estimating Evolutionary Distances between Whole Genomes. WABI 2001: 175-188
1 Mary E. Cosner, Robert K. Jansen, Bernard M. E. Moret, Linda A. Raubeson, Li-San Wang, Tandy Warnow, Stacia K. Wyman: A New Fast Heuristic for Computing the Breakpoint Phylogeny and Experimental Phylogenetic Analyses of Real and Synthetic Data. ISMB 2000: 104-115

Coauthor Index

1Stanislav Angelov [10] [18]
2Mary E. Cosner [1]
3Logan Everett [19]
4Sridhar Hannenhalli [12] [14] [19]
5Boulos Harb [10] [18]
6Robert K. Jansen [1] [8]
7Shane T. Jensen [12]
8Sampath Kannan [10] [18]
9Sanjeev Khanna [10]
10Junhyong Kim [10]
11Bernard M. E. Moret [1] [4] [5] [6] [8]
12Luay Nakhleh [11] [13] [15]
13Linda A. Raubeson [1] [8]
14Derek A. Ruths [15]
15Cara Stockham [9]
16Jijun Tang [5] [16]
17Tandy Warnow [1] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9] [17]
18Stacia K. Wyman [1] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)