
Derek A. Ruths

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9EECuong Than, Derek A. Ruths, Hideki Innan, Luay Nakhleh: Confounding Factors in HGT Detection: Statistical Error, Coalescent Effects, and Multiple Solutions. Journal of Computational Biology 14(4): 517-535 (2007)
8EEDerek A. Ruths, Luay Nakhleh: Techniques for Assessing Phylogenetic Branch Support: A Performance Study. APBC 2006: 187-196
7EEDerek A. Ruths, Luay Nakhleh: RECOMP: A Parsimony-Based Method for Detecting Recombination. APBC 2006: 59-68
6EECuong Than, Derek A. Ruths, Hideki Innan, Luay Nakhleh: Identifiability Issues in Phylogeny-Based Detection of Horizontal Gene Transfer. Comparative Genomics 2006: 215-229
5EEDerek A. Ruths, Jen-Te Tseng, Luay Nakhleh, Prahlad T. Ram: De Novo Signaling Pathway Predictions Based on Protein-Protein Interaction, Targeted Therapy and Protein Microarray Analysis. Systems Biology and Computational Proteomics 2006: 108-118
4EEDerek A. Ruths, Luay Nakhleh, M. Sriram Iyengar, Shrikanth A. G. Reddy, Prahlad T. Ram: Hypothesis Generation in Signaling Networks. Journal of Computational Biology 13(9): 1546-1557 (2006)
3EELuay Nakhleh, Derek A. Ruths, Li-San Wang: RIATA-HGT: A Fast and Accurate Heuristic for Reconstructing Horizontal Gene Transfer. COCOON 2005: 84-93
2EEDerek A. Ruths, Luay Nakhleh: Recombination and phylogeny: effects and detection. IJBRA 1(2): 202-212 (2005)
1 Derek A. Ruths, Edward S. Chen, Leland Ellis: Arbor 3D: an interactive environment for examining phylogenetic and taxonomic trees in multiple dimensions. Bioinformatics 16(11): 1003-1009 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Edward S. Chen [1]
2Leland Ellis [1]
3Hideki Innan [6] [9]
4M. Sriram Iyengar [4]
5Luay Nakhleh [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
6Prahlad T. Ram [4] [5]
7Shrikanth A. G. Reddy [4]
8Cuong Than [6] [9]
9Jen-Te Tseng [5]
10Li-San Wang [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)