
Deborah Walters

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8EEDeborah Walters, Carl Alphonce, Barbara Sherman, Debra T. Burhans, Helene Kershner: Increasing learning and decreasing costs in a computer fluency course. ITiCSE 2002: 208-212
7EECarl Alphonce, Debra T. Burhans, Helene Kershner, Barbara Sherman, Deborah Walters, Erica Eddy, Gloria Melara, Peter DePasquale, J. Philip East, Frederick N. Springsteel, Kurt F. Lauckner: Teaching using off-the shelf on-line materials. SIGCSE 2001: 429-430
6 Christopher A. Egert, Mary Flanagan, Deborah Walters: Extending IOS's Collaboration via Web-Enabled Whiteboards. WebNet 2000: 158-161
5 Deborah Walters, Christopher A. Egert: Can Considerations of Learning Styles Improve Web-Based Learning? WebNet 2000: 961-962
4 Philip Goetz, Deborah Walters: A neuronal basis for the fan effect. Cognitive Science 24(1): 151-167 (2000)
3 Nathan Smith, Christopher A. Egert, Elisabeth Ciddihy, Deborah Walters: Implementing Virtual Robots in Java3D using a Behavior Based Architecture. WebNet 1999: 975-980
2 Deborah Walters, Ganapathy Krishnan: Perceptual Significance Hierarchy: A Computer Vision Theory for Color Separation. AAAI 1987: 767-771
1EEDeborah Walters: Selection of image primitives for general-purpose visual processing. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 37(2): 261-298 (1987)

Coauthor Index

1Carl Alphonce [7] [8]
2Debra T. Burhans [7] [8]
3Elisabeth Ciddihy [3]
4Peter DePasquale [7]
5J. Philip East [7]
6Erica Eddy [7]
7Christopher A. Egert [3] [5] [6]
8Mary Flanagan [6]
9Philip Goetz [4]
10Helene Kershner [7] [8]
11Ganapathy Krishnan [2]
12Kurt F. Lauckner [7]
13Gloria Melara [7]
14Barbara Sherman [7] [8]
15Nathan Smith [3]
16Frederick N. Springsteel [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)