
J. Philip East

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5EEJ. Philip East, J. Ben Schafer: In-person grading: an evaluative experiment. SIGCSE 2005: 378-382
4EECarl Alphonce, Debra T. Burhans, Helene Kershner, Barbara Sherman, Deborah Walters, Erica Eddy, Gloria Melara, Peter DePasquale, J. Philip East, Frederick N. Springsteel, Kurt F. Lauckner: Teaching using off-the shelf on-line materials. SIGCSE 2001: 429-430
3EEJ. Philip East, Eugene Wallingford: Pattern-based programming in initial instruction (seminar). SIGCSE 1997: 393
2EESusan M. Merritt, Charles J. Bruen, J. Philip East, Darlene Grantham, Charles Rice, Viera K. Proulx, Gerry Segal, Carol E. Wolf: ACM model high school computer science curriculum (abstract). SIGCSE 1993: 309
1 Susan M. Merritt, Charles J. Bruen, J. Philip East, Darlene Grantham, Charles Rice, Viera K. Proulx, Gerry Segal, Carol E. Wolf: ACM Model High School Computer Science Curriculum. Commun. ACM 36(5): 87-90 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Carl Alphonce [4]
2Charles J. Bruen [1] [2]
3Debra T. Burhans [4]
4Peter DePasquale [4]
5Erica Eddy [4]
6Darlene Grantham [1] [2]
7Helene Kershner [4]
8Kurt F. Lauckner [4]
9Gloria Melara [4]
10Susan M. Merritt [1] [2]
11Viera K. Proulx [1] [2]
12Charles Rice [1] [2]
13J. Ben Schafer [5]
14Gerry Segal [1] [2]
15Barbara Sherman [4]
16Frederick N. Springsteel [4]
17Eugene Wallingford [3]
18Deborah Walters [4]
19Carol E. Wolf [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)