2. WOCFAI 1995:
Michel De Glas,
Zdzislaw Pawlak (Eds.):
Proceedings of the Second World Conference on the Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence,
3-7 July 1995,
France. Publishers:
rue Maître-Albert,
75005 Paris,
ISBN 2-87892-009-0
- Jean-Pierre Barthélemy, Pascal Boldini:
Representativity as Emergence.
3-14 BibTeX
- Jan G. Bazan, Hung Son Nguyen, Tuan Trung Nguyen, Andrzej Skowron, Jaroslaw Stepaniuk:
Application of Modal Logics and Rough Sets for Classifying Objects.
15-26 BibTeX
Claire Beyssade,
Patrice Enjalbert,
Claire Lefèvre :
Cooperating Logical Agents. 27-38
- Paolo Bouquet, Fausto Giunchiglia:
Reasoning about Theory Formulation and Reformulation: A New Solution to the Qualification Problem.
39-50 BibTeX
- Henri Briand, Laurent Fleury, Régis Gras, Yann Masson, Jacques Philippe:
A Statistical Measure of Rules Strength for Machine Learning.
51-62 BibTeX
- Roberto Casati, Achille C. Varzi:
Basic Issues in Spatial Reasoning.
63-72 BibTeX
- Marcos Cavalcanti:
Possible Worlds in Production Systems: an Assumption-Based Framework for Nonmonotonic Reasoning.
73-84 BibTeX
- Paul Davidsson:
On the Concept of Concept in the Context of Autonomous Agents.
85-96 BibTeX
- Michel De Glas, Jean-Philippe Jacquet:
Pseudo-Consistent Logic.
97-108 BibTeX
- Anatoli Degtyarev, Andrei Voronkov:
General Connections via Equality Elimination.
109-120 BibTeX
- Stéphane Demri:
A Hierarchy of Backward Translations: Applications to Modal Logics.
121-132 BibTeX
- Francesco M. Donini, Daniele Nardi, Riccardo Rosati:
Ground Nonmonotonic Modal Logics for Knowledge Representation.
133-144 BibTeX
- Eric Humbert:
Elimination of k-Sat Clauses in the k-Satisfiability Problem.
145-156 BibTeX
- Manfred Kerber, Erica Melis:
Using Exemplary Knowledge for Justified Analogical Reasoning.
157-168 BibTeX
- Manfred Kerber, Axel Präcklein:
Reformulating Resolution Problems by Tactics.
169-180 BibTeX
- Roger Klausen, Henryk Jan Komorowski:
Omega-Perfect Semantics for Inductive Synthesis, Refinement Calculus and Update of Logic Programs.
181-192 BibTeX
- Yannick Lallement, Melanie Hilario, Frédéric Alexandre:
Neurosymbolic Integration: Cognitive Grounds and Computational Strategies.
193-203 BibTeX
- Chang-Jung Liau:
On the Relationship Between Evidential Structures and Data Tables.
205-216 BibTeX
- Paolo Liberatore, Marco Schaerf:
Arbitration: A Commutative Operator for Belief Revision.
217-228 BibTeX
- Craig A. Lindley:
A Postmodern Paradigm for Artificial Intelligence.
229-240 BibTeX
- Francesco M. Malvestuto:
Formal Theories of Probabilistic Dependency Models.
241-252 BibTeX
- Zohar Manna, Massimo Paltrinieri, Richard J. Waldinger:
A Temporal Plan Theory.
253-261 BibTeX
- Marion Mircheva:
Rule-Based Systems and Logic Programs: Bringing Two Approaches Together.
263-274 BibTeX
- Mikhail Moshkov:
Two Approaches to Investigation of Deterministic and Nondeterministic Decision Trees Complexity.
275-280 BibTeX
- Pascal Nicolas, Béatrice Duval:
Lukaszewicz' Default Logic: A Theorem Prover Based on SLD-Resolution for Open Default Theory.
281-293 BibTeX
- Daniel Pacholczyk, Jean-Marc Pacholczyk, Gilles Hunault:
Explicit Management of the Natural Language Uncertainty via a Logico-Symbolic Probability Theory.
295-306 BibTeX
- Yongyuth Permpoontanalarp, John Yuejun Jiang:
On Multi-Agent Autoepistemic Reasoning.
307-318 BibTeX
- Markus F. Peschl:
Rethinking Methodological Issues in Cognitive Science and AI: Computational Neuroepistemology, Philosophy of Science, and Knowledge Representation.
319-330 BibTeX
- Regimantas Pliuskevicius:
On the Replacement of Induction for a First Order Linear Temporal Logic.
331-342 BibTeX
- Lech Polkowski, Andrzej Skowron:
Rough Mereology and Analytical Morphology: New Development in Rough Set Theory.
343-354 BibTeX
- Helmut Prendinger, Gerhard Schurz:
Reasoning about Action in Dynamic Logic.
355-366 BibTeX
- Greg Restall, John K. Slaney:
Realistic Belief Revision.
367-378 BibTeX
- Jürgen Schröder:
Systematicity, Compositionality, and the Notion of Symbolic Representations.
379-391 BibTeX
- Shusaku Tsumoto, Hiroshi Tanaka:
Algebraic Formulation of Empirical Learning Methods Based on Rough Sets and Matroid Theory.
393-404 BibTeX
- Yury Tsybenko:
On Fixed Points in Diagnosis Set.
405-416 BibTeX
- Dimiter Vakarelov:
A Duality Between Pawlak's Information Systems and Bi-Consequence Systems with Applications to First-Order and Modal Characterizations of some Informational Relations.
417-428 BibTeX
- Bart Verheij:
The Influence of Defeated Arguments in Defeasible Argumentation.
429-440 BibTeX
- Alberto Voltolini:
Compositional Supervinience Without Compositional Meaning?
441-452 BibTeX
- Gerard Vreeswijk:
Interpolation of Benchmark Problems in Defeasible Reasoning.
453-468 BibTeX
- Mary-Anne Williams:
Changing Nonmonotonic Inference Relations.
469-480 BibTeX
- Wayne Wobcke:
Plan Recognition as Belief Revision.
481-492 BibTeX
- Vladimir Yakhnis, Boris Stilman:
A Multi-Agent Graph-Game Approach to Theoretical Foundations of Linguistic Geometry.
493-504 BibTeX
- Ryszard S. Michalski:
Learning and Cognition.
507-510 BibTeX
- Patrick Suppes, Michael Böttner, Lin Liang, Raymond Ravaglia:
Machine Learning of Natural Language: Problems and Prospects.
511-525 BibTeX
The information on this page was contributed by Andrei Voronkov
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:48:19 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)