
Ina Wagner

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37EERod McCall, Ina Wagner, Kari Kuutti, Giulio Jacucci, Wolfgang Broll: Urban mixed realities: technologies, theories and frontiers. CHI Extended Abstracts 2008: 3973-3976
36EEEllen Balka, Pernille Bjørn, Ina Wagner: Steps toward a typology for health informatics. CSCW 2008: 515-524
35EEValérie Maquil, Thomas Psik, Ina Wagner: The ColorTable: a design story. Tangible and Embedded Interaction 2008: 97-104
34EEGiulio Jacucci, Ina Wagner: Performative roles of materiality for collective creativity. Creativity & Cognition 2007: 73-82
33EEKjeld Schmidt, Ina Wagner, Marianne Tolar: Permutations of cooperative work practices: a study of two oncology clinics. GROUP 2007: 1-10
32EEValérie Maquil, Thomas Psik, Ina Wagner, Mira Wagner: Expressive interactions - supporting collaboration in urban design. GROUP 2007: 69-78
31EEPelle Ehn, Thomas Binder, Mette Agger Eriksen, Giulio Jacucci, Kari Kuutti, Per Linde, Giorgio De Michelis, Simon Niedenthal, Bo Petterson, Andreas Rumpfhuber, Ina Wagner: Opening the Digital Box for Design Work: Supporting Performative Interactions, Using Inspirational Materials and Configuring of Place. The Disappearing Computer 2007: 50-76
30EEEllen Balka, Ina Wagner: Making things work: dimensions of configurability as appropriation work. CSCW 2006: 229-238
29EECarlo Jacucci, Giulio Jacucci, Ina Wagner, Thomas Psik: A manifesto for the performative development of ubiquitous media. Critical Computing 2005: 19-28
28EEEllen Balka, Ina Wagner, Casper Bruun Jensen: Reconfiguring critical computing in an era of configurability. Critical Computing 2005: 79-88
27EEGiulio Jacucci, Antti Oulasvirta, Antti Salovaara, Thomas Psik, Ina Wagner: Augmented Reality Painting and Collage: Evaluating Tangible Interaction in a Field Study. INTERACT 2005: 43-56
26 Ina Wagner: Zum Design inspirationeler Lernräume. DeLFI 2004: 23-26
25EEKresimir Matkovic, Thomas Psik, Ina Wagner, Werner Purgathofer: Tangible Image Query. Smart Graphics 2004: 31-42
24EEKjeld Schmidt, Ina Wagner: Ordering Systems: Coordinative Practices and Artifacts in Architectural Design and Planning. Computer Supported Cooperative Work 13(5-6): 349-408 (2004)
23EEThomas Binder, Giorgio De Michelis, Michael Gervautz, Giulio Jacucci, Kresimir Matkovic, Thomas Psik, Ina Wagner: Supporting configurability in a mixed-media environment for design students. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 8(5): 310-325 (2004)
22EESara Eriksén, Ina Wagner, Peter Axel Nielsen, Silvia Gherardi, Gianni Jacucci, Claudio U. Ciborra: Panel: Situatedness, accountabilty or moods to contrast abstraction. ECIS 2003
21EEGiulio Iacucci, Ina Wagner: Supporting Collaboration Ubiquitously: An Augmented Learning Environment for Architecture Students. ECSCW 2003: 139-158
20EEKresimir Matkovic, Johannes Siglaer, Martin Kompast, Thomas Psik, Ina Wagner: The 3D Wunderkammer An Indexing by Placing Approach to the Image Storage and Retrieval. TPCG 2003: 34-41
19EEIna Wagner, Rüdiger Lainer: Designing a visual 3-D interface: a reflection on methods. Interactions 10(6): 12-19 (2003)
18 Kjeld Schmidt, Ina Wagner: Coordinative Artifacts in Architectural Practise. COOP 2002: 257-274
17EEIna Wagner, Martin Kompast, Rüdiger Lainer: Visualization strategies for the design of interactive navigable 3-D worlds. Interactions 9(5): 25-34 (2002)
16 Hilda Tellioglu, Ina Wagner: Work Practices Surrounding PACS: The Politics of Space in Hospitals. Computer Supported Cooperative Work 10(2): 163-188 (2001)
15 Monika Büscher, Preben Mogensen, Dan Shapiro, Ina Wagner: The Manufaktur: Supporting work practice in (landscape) architecture. ECSCW 1999: 21-
14 Ina Wagner, Monika Büscher, Preben Mogensen, Dan Shapiro: Spaces for creating context & awareness - designing a collaborative virtual work space for (landscape) architects. HCI (2) 1999: 283-287
13EEHilda Tellioglu, Ina Wagner: Software Cultures. Commun. ACM 42(12): 71-77 (1999)
12EERüdiger Lainer, Ina Wagner: Connecting Qualities of Social Use with Spatial Qualities. CoBuild 1998: 191-203
11 Hilda Tellioglu, Ina Wagner: Negotiating Boundaries. Configuration Management in Software Development Teams. Computer Supported Cooperative Work 6(4): 251-274 (1997)
10 Andrew Clement, Ina Wagner: Fragmented Exchange: Disarticulation and the Need for Regionalized Communication Spaces. ECSCW 1995: 33-
9 Andrew Clement, Paul Kolm, Ina Wagner: NetWORKing: Connecting Workers In and Between Organizations, Proceedings of the IFIP WG9.1 Working Conference on NetWORKing, Vienna, Austria, 16-18 June, 1993 North-Holland 1994
8 Ina Wagner: Tightly Knitted Connections: The Politics of Networking. IFIP Congress (2) 1994: 422-429
7 Ina Wagner: Hard Times: The Politics of Women's Work in Computerised Environments. Woman, Work and Computerization 1994: 23-34
6 Ina Wagner: Women's Voice: The Case of Nursing Information Systems. AI Soc. 7(4): 295-310 (1993)
5 Ina Wagner: A Web of Fuzzy Problems: Confronting the Ehtical Issues. Commun. ACM 36(6): 94-101 (1993)
4EEEdeltraud Egger, Ina Wagner: Time-Management: A Case for CSCW. CSCW 1992: 249-256
3 Ina Wagner: Vulnerability of Computer Systems: Establishing Organizational Accountability. IFIP Congress (2) 1992: 433-439
2 Ina Wagner: Entwicklung der Frauenerwerbsarbeit unter dem Einfluß der Computertechnologie: Forderungen an die Informatik aus Frauensicht. GI Jahrestagung (2) 1990: 186-296
1 Ina Wagner: Panel: Information Systems - Work and Organization Design: Challenges for Organizational Learning. IFIP Congress 1989: 273-274

Coauthor Index

1Ellen Balka [28] [30] [36]
2Thomas Binder [23] [31]
3Pernille Bjørn [36]
4Wolfgang Broll [37]
5Monika Büscher [14] [15]
6Claudio U. Ciborra [22]
7Andrew Clement [9] [10]
8Pelle Ehn [31]
9Mette Agger Eriksen [31]
10Sara Eriksén [22]
11Michael Gervautz [23]
12Silvia Gherardi [22]
13Edeltraud Hanappi-Egger (Edeltraud Egger) [4]
14Carlo Jacucci [29]
15Gianni Jacucci [22]
16Giulio Jacucci (Giulio Iacucci) [21] [23] [27] [29] [31] [34] [37]
17Casper Bruun Jensen [28]
18Paul Kolm [9]
19Martin Kompast [17] [20]
20Kari Kuutti [31] [37]
21Rüdiger Lainer [12] [17] [19]
22Per Linde [31]
23Valérie Maquil [32] [35]
24Kresimir Matkovic [20] [23] [25]
25Rod McCall [37]
26Giorgio De Michelis [23] [31]
27Preben Holst Mogensen (Preben Mogensen) [14] [15]
28Simon Niedenthal [31]
29Peter Axel Nielsen [22]
30Antti Oulasvirta [27]
31Bo Petterson [31]
32Thomas Psik [20] [23] [25] [27] [29] [32] [35]
33Werner Purgathofer [25]
34Andreas Rumpfhuber [31]
35Antti Salovaara [27]
36Kjeld Schmidt [18] [24] [33]
37Dan Shapiro [14] [15]
38Johannes Siglaer [20]
39Hilda Tellioglu [11] [13] [16]
40Marianne Tolar [33]
41Mira Wagner [32]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)