
Andrew Clement

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19EEWilliam Chung, William H. Harrison, Vincent J. Kruskal, Harold Ossher, Stanley M. Sutton Jr., Peri L. Tarr, Matthew Chapman, Andrew Clement, Helen Hawkins, Sian January: The concern manipulation environment. ICSE 2005: 666-667
18 Andrew Clement, Peter Van den Besselaar: Proceedings of the Eighth Conference on Participatory Design: Artful Integration: Interweaving Media, Materials and Practices, PDC 2004, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, July 27-31, 2004 ACM 2004
17EEAdrian M. Colyer, Andrew Clement: Large-scale AOSD for middleware. AOSD 2004: 56-65
16EENadia Caidi, Andrew Clement: Digital libraries and community networking: the canadian experience. JCDL 2004: 386
15EEPeri L. Tarr, William Chung, William H. Harrison, Vincent J. Kruskal, Harold Ossher, Stanley M. Sutton Jr., Andrew Clement, Matthew Chapman, Helen Hawkins, Sian January: The concern manipulation environment [OOPSLA/GPCE]. OOPSLA Companion 2004: 29-30
14EERobert Luke, Andrew Clement, Randall Terada, Dominic Bortolussi, Cameron Booth, Derek Brooks, Darcy Christ: The promise and perils of a participatory approach to developing an open source community learning network. PDC 2004: 11-19
13 Andrew Clement, Robert Guerra, Jeff Johnson, Felix Stalder: National Identification Schemes (Nids): A Remedy Against Terrorist Attack? HCC 2002: 195-205
12 Brenda McPhail, Terry Costantino, David Bruckmann, Ross Barclay, Andrew Clement: CAVEAT Exemplar: Participatory Design in a Non-Profit Volunteer Organisation. Computer Supported Cooperative Work 7(3/4): 223-241 (1998)
11 Andrew Clement, Chris Halonen: Collaboration and Conflict in the Development of a Computerized Dispatch Facility. JASIS 49(12): 1090-1100 (1998)
10 Patsy Segall, Andrew Clement, Toni Robertson: Relationships Between Work, Organisational Re-engineering and Information Systems. INTERACT 1997: 689-690
9 Andrew Clement, Ina Wagner: Fragmented Exchange: Disarticulation and the Need for Regionalized Communication Spaces. ECSCW 1995: 33-
8 Andrew Clement, Paul Kolm, Ina Wagner: NetWORKing: Connecting Workers In and Between Organizations, Proceedings of the IFIP WG9.1 Working Conference on NetWORKing, Vienna, Austria, 16-18 June, 1993 North-Holland 1994
7 Andrew Clement: Computing at Work: Empowering Action By 'Low-level Users'. Commun. ACM 37(1): 52-63, 105 (1994)
6 Andrew Clement: Working in (and on) the Electronic Fischbowl? Privacy Aspects of Multi-Media Communications. NetWORKing 1993: 123-132
5 Andrew Clement: Looking for the Designers: Transforming the `Invisible' Infrastructure of Computerised Office Work. AI Soc. 7(4): 323-344 (1993)
4 Andrew Clement, Peter Van den Besselaar: A Retrospective Look at PD Projects. Commun. ACM 36(6): 29-37 (1993)
3 Andrew Clement: Reducing the Vulnerability of Women in an Information Society: Enlarging Information Systems Perspectives (Panel). IFIP Congress (2) 1992: 509
2EEAndrew Clement: Cooperative Support for Computer Work: A Social Perspective on the Empowering of End Users. CSCW 1990: 223-236
1EEAndrew Clement, C. C. Gotlieb: Evolution of an Organizational Interface: The New Business Department at a Large Insurance Firm. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 5(4): 328-339 (1987)

Coauthor Index

1Ross Barclay [12]
2Peter Van den Besselaar [4] [18]
3Cameron Booth [14]
4Dominic Bortolussi [14]
5Derek Brooks [14]
6David Bruckmann [12]
7Nadia Caidi [16]
8Matthew Chapman [15] [19]
9Darcy Christ [14]
10William Chung [15] [19]
11Adrian M. Colyer [17]
12Terry Costantino [12]
13Calvin C. Gotlieb (C. C. Gotlieb) [1]
14Robert Guerra [13]
15Chris Halonen [11]
16William H. Harrison [15] [19]
17Helen Hawkins [15] [19]
18Sian January [15] [19]
19Jeff Johnson [13]
20Paul Kolm [8]
21Vincent J. Kruskal [15] [19]
22Robert Luke [14]
23Brenda McPhail [12]
24Harold Ossher [15] [19]
25Toni Robertson [10]
26Patsy Segall [10]
27Felix Stalder [13]
28Stanley M. Sutton Jr. [15] [19]
29Peri L. Tarr [15] [19]
30Randall Terada [14]
31Ina Wagner [8] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)