
Murali R. Varanasi

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8EEShengli Fu, Kejie Lu, Yi Qian, Murali R. Varanasi: Cooperative Network Coding for Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks. GLOBECOM 2007: 812-816
7EENaga M. Kosaraju, Murali R. Varanasi, Saraju P. Mohanty: A High-Performance VLSI Architecture for Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Algorithm. VLSI Design 2006: 481-484
6EEMurali R. Varanasi: Computing Curricula - Computer Engineering. MSE 2003: 2-
5 Larry A. Dunning, Gur Dial, Murali R. Varanasi: Unidirectional Byte Error Detecting Codes for Computer Memory Systems. IEEE Trans. Computers 39(4): 592-595 (1990)
4EERajiv Mehrotra, Robert A. Basta, Murali R. Varanasi: Collision detection between the wrists of two robot arms in a common workspace. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 2(1): 29-41 (1989)
3 Taylor L. Booth, Tom Brubaker, James T. Cain, Ronald L. Danielson, Ronald G. Hoelzeman, Glen G. Langdon Jr., David L. Soldan, Murali R. Varanasi: Design Education in Computer Science and Engineering. IEEE Computer 19(6): 20-27 (1986)
2 Larry A. Dunning, Murali R. Varanasi: Code Constructions for Error Control in Byte Organized Memory Systems. IEEE Trans. Computers 32(6): 535-542 (1983)
1 Murali R. Varanasi, T. R. N. Rao, Son Pham: Memory Package Error Detection and Correction. IEEE Trans. Computers 32(9): 872-874 (1983)

Coauthor Index

1Robert A. Basta [4]
2Taylor L. Booth [3]
3Tom Brubaker [3]
4James T. Cain [3]
5Ronald L. Danielson [3]
6Gur Dial [5]
7Larry A. Dunning [2] [5]
8Shengli Fu [8]
9Ronald G. Hoelzeman [3]
10Naga M. Kosaraju [7]
11Glen G. Langdon Jr. [3]
12Kejie Lu [8]
13Rajiv Mehrotra [4]
14Saraju P. Mohanty [7]
15Son Pham [1]
16Yi Qian [8]
17T. R. N. Rao (Thammavarapu R. N. Rao) [1]
18David L. Soldan [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)