
Mário P. Véstias

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9EEVítor Silva, Rui Duarte, Mário P. Véstias, Horácio C. Neto: Multiplier-based double precision floating point divider according to the IEEE-754 standard. ARC 2008: 260-265
8EEHorácio C. Neto, Mário P. Véstias: Decimal multiplier on FPGA using embedded binary multipliers. FPL 2008: 197-202
7EEMário P. Véstias, Horácio C. Neto: Router Design for Application Specific Networks-on-Chip on Reconfigurable Systems. FPL 2007: 389-394
6EEMário P. Véstias, Horácio C. Neto: Area/Performance Improvement of NoC Architectures. ARC 2006: 193-198
5EEMário P. Véstias, Horácio C. Neto: Co-synthesis of a configurable SoC platform based on a network on chip architecture. ASP-DAC 2006: 48-53
4EEMário P. Véstias, Horácio C. Neto: A Generic Network-on-Chip Architecture for Reconfigurable Systems: Implementation and Evaluation. FPL 2006: 1-4
3EEMário P. Véstias, Horácio C. Neto: Area and performance optimization of a generic network-on-chip architecture. SBCCI 2006: 68-73
2EEMário P. Véstias, Horácio C. Neto: DALI: A Methodology for the Co-Design of Dataflow Applications on Hardware/Software Architectures. SBCCI 2003: 85-
1EEMário P. Véstias, Horácio C. Neto: System-Level Co-Synthesis of Dataflow Dominated Applications on Reconfigurable Hardware/Software Architectures. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 2002: 130-137

Coauthor Index

1Rui Duarte [9]
2Horácio C. Neto [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
3Vítor Silva [9]

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