
Bertrand Tondu

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8EEBertrand Tondu, Serge Ippolito, Jérémie Guiochet, A. Daidie: A Seven-degrees-of-freedom Robot-arm Driven by Pneumatic Artificial Muscles for Humanoid Robots. I. J. Robotic Res. 24(4): 257-274 (2005)
7EEAdriana Vilchis Gonzales, Jocelyne Troccaz, Philippe Cinquin, Agnès Guerraz, Franck Pellissier, Pierre Thorel, Bertrand Tondu, Fabien Courreges, Gérard Poisson, Marc Althuser, Jean-Marc Ayoubi: Experiments with the TER Tele-echography Robot. MICCAI (1) 2002: 138-146
6EES. Eskiizmirliler, N. Forestier, Bertrand Tondu, C. Darlot: A model of the cerebellar pathways applied to the control of a single-joint robot arm actuated by McKibben artificial muscles. Biological Cybernetics 86(5): 379-394 (2002)
5EEAdriana Vilchis Gonzales, Philippe Cinquin, Jocelyne Troccaz, Agnès Guerraz, Bernard Hennion, Franck Pellissier, Pierre Thorel, Fabien Courreges, Alain Gourdon, Gérard Poisson, Pierre Vieyres, Pierre Caron, Olivier Mérigeaux, Loïc Urbain, Cédric Daimo, Stéphane Lavallée, Philippe Arbeille, Marc Althuser, Jean-Marc Ayoubi, Bertrand Tondu, Serge Ippolito: TER: A System for Robotic Tele-echography. MICCAI 2001: 326-334
4EELuis Carroll, Bertrand Tondu, Claude Baron, Jean Claude Geffroy: UML Framework for the Design of Real-Time Robot Controllers. Euro-Par 1999: 511-514
3 N. Forestier, S. Eskiizmirliler, Bertrand Tondu, A. Maruani, C. Darlot: Application of a Connexionist Model of the Cerebellar Cortex to the Control of an Anthropomorphic Robot Arm. IC-AI 1999: 220-225
2EEBertrand Tondu, Shafaat Ahmed Bazaz: The Three-Cubic Method: An Optimal Online Robot Joint Trajectory Generator under Velocity, Acceleration, and Wandering Constraints. I. J. Robotic Res. 18(9): 893-901 (1999)
1EEShafaat Ahmed Bazaz, Bertrand Tondu: Minimum time on-line joint trajectory generator based on low order spline method for industrial manipulators. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 29(4): 257-268 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Marc Althuser [5] [7]
2Philippe Arbeille [5]
3Jean-Marc Ayoubi [5] [7]
4Claude Baron [4]
5Shafaat Ahmed Bazaz [1] [2]
6Pierre Caron [5]
7Luis Carroll [4]
8Philippe Cinquin [5] [7]
9Fabien Courreges [5] [7]
10A. Daidie [8]
11Cédric Daimo [5]
12C. Darlot [3] [6]
13S. Eskiizmirliler [3] [6]
14N. Forestier [3] [6]
15Jean Claude Geffroy [4]
16Adriana Vilchis Gonzales [5] [7]
17Alain Gourdon [5]
18Agnès Guerraz [5] [7]
19Jérémie Guiochet [8]
20Bernard Hennion [5]
21Serge Ippolito [5] [8]
22Stéphane Lavallée [5]
23A. Maruani [3]
24Olivier Mérigeaux [5]
25Franck Pellissier [5] [7]
26Gérard Poisson [5] [7]
27Pierre Thorel [5] [7]
28Jocelyne Troccaz [5] [7]
29Loïc Urbain [5]
30Pierre Vieyres [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)