
Stefan D. Wilke

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10EEStefan D. Wilke, Christian W. Eurich: Representational Accuracy of Stochastic Neural Populations. Neural Computation 14(1): 155-189 (2002)
9EEStefan D. Wilke, Christian W. Eurich: On the functional role of noise correlations in the nervous system. Neurocomputing 44-46: 1023-1028 (2002)
8EEWinrich Freiwald, Heiko Stemmann, Aurel Wannig, Andreas K. Kreiter, Ulrich G. Hofmann, Matthew Hills, Gregory T. A. Kovacs, David T. Kewley, James M. Bower, Axel Etzold, Stefan D. Wilke, Christian W. Eurich: Stimulus representation in rat primary visual cortex: multi-electrode recordings with micro-machined silicon probes and estimation theory. Neurocomputing 44-46: 407-416 (2002)
7EEStefan D. Wilke, Andreas Thiel, Christian W. Eurich, Martin Greschner, Markus Bongard, Josef Ammermüller, Helmut Schwegler: Extracting motion information using a biologically realistic model retina. ESANN 2001: 323-328
6EEStefan D. Wilke: Neural Coding of Dynamic Stimuli. ICANN 2001: 1081-1086
5EEStefan D. Wilke, Christian W. Eurich: Neural spike statistics modify the impact of background noise. Neurocomputing 38-40: 445-450 (2001)
4EEStefan D. Wilke, Andreas Thiel, Christian W. Eurich: Processing of Movement Information in the Early Stages of the Visual System. IJCNN (5) 2000: 425-430
3 Christian W. Eurich, Stefan D. Wilke: Multidimensional Encoding Strategy of Spiking Neurons. Neural Computation 12(7): 1519-1529 (2000)
2EEStefan D. Wilke, Christian W. Eurich: What does a neuron talk about? ESANN 1999: 435-440
1EEChristian W. Eurich, Stefan D. Wilke, Helmut Schwegler: Neural Representation of Multi-Dimensional Stimuli. NIPS 1999: 115-121

Coauthor Index

1Josef Ammermüller [7]
2Markus Bongard [7]
3James M. Bower [8]
4Axel Etzold [8]
5Christian W. Eurich [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8] [9] [10]
6Winrich Freiwald [8]
7Martin Greschner [7]
8Matthew Hills [8]
9Ulrich G. Hofmann [8]
10David T. Kewley [8]
11Gregory T. A. Kovacs [8]
12Andreas K. Kreiter [8]
13Helmut Schwegler [1] [7]
14Heiko Stemmann [8]
15Andreas Thiel [4] [7]
16Aurel Wannig [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)