
Marco Eichelberg

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12 Andreas Thiel, Marco Eichelberg, Berthold B. Wein, Tuncay Namli, Asuman Dogac: Goals and Challenges for the Realization of a European wide eHealth Infrastructure. ECEH 2007: 53-64
11EEAsuman Dogac, Gokce Laleci, Thomas Aden, Marco Eichelberg: Enhancing IHE XDS for Federated Clinical Affinity Domain Support. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 11(2): 213-221 (2007)
10EEMichael Gründler, Heyo Spekker, Oliver Nee, Marco Eichelberg, Hans-Jürgen Appelrath: M3IS - ein Beitrag zur integrierten Versorgung. Datenbank-Spektrum 17: 26-32 (2006)
9 Oliver Nee, Michael Gründler, Heyo Spekker, Marco Eichelberg: Ein mobiles multimediales medizinisches Informationssystem. GI Jahrestagung (2) 2005: 37-41
8EEMarco Eichelberg, Thomas Aden, Jörg Riesmeier, Asuman Dogac, Gokce Laleci: A survey and analysis of Electronic Healthcare Record standards. ACM Comput. Surv. 37(4): 277-315 (2005)
7 Jörg Riesmeier, Marco Eichelberg, H.-P. Hellmann, Joachim Kieschke, Thomas Wilkens: Experiences with a workstation prototype for softcopy reading within the Bavarian mammography re-certification programme. CARS 2003: 169-176
6 Marco Eichelberg, Eric Poiseau, Berthold B. Wein, Jörg Riesmeier: Extending the IHE initiative to Europe: experiences. CARS 2003: 903-909
5 Jörg Riesmeier, Marco Eichelberg, Klaus Kleber, Herman Oosterwijk, S. von Gehlen, Dietrich H. W. Grönemeyer, Peter Jensch: DICOM Structured Reporting - a prototype implementation. CARS 2001: 795-800
4 Jonas Punys, Vytenis Punys, Jurate Puniene, Marco Eichelberg, Jörg Riesmeier, Peter Jensch, Didier Lemoine, Nandor Balogh: X-ray angio cineloop processing and tele-distribution. CARS 2001: 830-836
3 Marco Eichelberg, Jörg Riesmeier, Klaus Kleber, Jörg Holstein, Dietrich H. W. Grönemeyer, Peter Jensch: DICOM-Presentation-States: ein neuer dienst für die digitale Bildverteilung und Softcopy-Befundung. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2000: 223-227
2 Marco Eichelberg, Jörg Riesmeier, N. Loxen, Peter Jensch: Introduction of Security Features to DICOM: Experiences with Digital Signatures. EuroPACS 2000: 286-291
1EEE. Cordonnier, Marco Eichelberg, J. Piqueras, C. Treguier, J.-F. Heautot: European project RETAIN: new approach for IBC in teleradiology and PACS based on a full ATM network. ICIP 1995: 2001-2004

Coauthor Index

1Thomas Aden [8] [11]
2Hans-Jürgen Appelrath [10]
3Nandor Balogh [4]
4E. Cordonnier [1]
5Asuman Dogac [8] [11] [12]
6S. von Gehlen [5]
7Dietrich H. W. Grönemeyer [3] [5]
8Michael Gründler [9] [10]
9J.-F. Heautot [1]
10H.-P. Hellmann [7]
11Jörg Holstein [3]
12Peter Jensch [2] [3] [4] [5]
13Joachim Kieschke [7]
14Klaus Kleber [3] [5]
15Gokce Laleci [8] [11]
16Didier Lemoine [4]
17N. Loxen [2]
18Tuncay Namli [12]
19Oliver Nee [9] [10]
20Herman Oosterwijk [5]
21J. Piqueras [1]
22Eric Poiseau [6]
23Jurate Puniene [4]
24Jonas Punys [4]
25Vytenis Punys [4]
26Jörg Riesmeier [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
27Heyo Spekker [9] [10]
28Andreas Thiel [12]
29C. Treguier [1]
30Berthold B. Wein [6] [12]
31Thomas Wilkens [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)