
Udo Ernst

Udo A. Ernst

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14EEUdo Ernst, David Rotermund, Klaus Pawelzik: Efficient Computation Based on Stochastic Spikes. Neural Computation 19(5): 1313-1343 (2007)
13EEAnna Levina, Udo Ernst, J. Michael Herrmann: Criticality of avalanche dynamics in adaptive recurrent networks. Neurocomputing 70(10-12): 1877-1881 (2007)
12EEKlaus Pawelzik, Udo A. Ernst, David Rotermund: On-line adaptation of neuro-prostheses with neuronal evaluation signals. ESANN 2006: 53-58
11EEDavid Rotermund, Udo A. Ernst, Klaus R. Pawelzik: Towards On-line Adaptation of Neuro-prostheses with Neuronal Evaluation Signals. Biological Cybernetics 95(3): 243-257 (2006)
10EENadja Schinkel, Klaus R. Pawelzik, Udo A. Ernst: Optimal contour integration: When additive algorithms fail. Neurocomputing 69(10-12): 1297-1300 (2006)
9EENadja Schinkel, Klaus Pawelzik, Udo A. Ernst: Robust integration and detection of noisy contours in a probabilistic neural model. Neurocomputing 65-66: 211-217 (2005)
8EEUdo A. Ernst, David Rotermund, Klaus Pawelzik: An Algorithm for Fast Pattern Recognition with Random Spikes. DAGM-Symposium 2004: 399-406
7EEMichael H. Herzog, Udo A. Ernst, Axel Etzold, Christian W. Eurich: Local Interactions in Neural Networks Explain Global Effects in Gestalt Processing and Masking. Neural Computation 15(9): 2091-2113 (2003)
6EERolf D. Henkel, Udo Ernst, Klaus Pawelzik: Synchronizing assemblies perform magnitude-invariant pattern detection. Neurocomputing 44-46: 429-433 (2002)
5EEChristian W. Eurich, Klaus Pawelzik, Udo Ernst, Andreas Thiel, Jack D. Cowan, John G. Milton: Delay adaptation in the nervous system. Neurocomputing 32-33: 741-748 (2000)
4 Udo Ernst, Klaus Pawelzik, Misha Tsodyks, Terrence J. Sejnowski: Relation Between Retinotopical and Orientation Maps in Visual Cortex. Neural Computation 11(2): 375-379 (1999)
3EEUdo Ernst, Klaus Pawelzik, Fred Wolf, Theo Geisel: Theory of non-classical receptive field phenomena in the visual cortex. Neurocomputing 26-27: 367-374 (1999)
2 Udo Ernst, Klaus Pawelzik, Fred Wolf, Theo Geisel: Geometry of Orientation Preference Map Determines Nonclassical Receptive Field Properties. ICANN 1997: 231-236
1EEKlaus Pawelzik, Udo Ernst, Fred Wolf, Theo Geisel: Orientation Contrast Sensitivity from Long-range Interactions in Visual Cortex. NIPS 1996: 90-96

Coauthor Index

1Jack D. Cowan [5]
2Axel Etzold [7]
3Christian W. Eurich [5] [7]
4Theo Geisel [1] [2] [3]
5Rolf D. Henkel [6]
6J. Michael Herrmann [13]
7Michael H. Herzog [7]
8Anna Levina [13]
9John G. Milton [5]
10Klaus Pawelzik (Klaus R. Pawelzik) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [14]
11David Rotermund [8] [11] [12] [14]
12Nadja Schinkel [9] [10]
13Terrence J. Sejnowski [4]
14Andreas Thiel [5]
15Misha Tsodyks [4]
16Fred Wolf [1] [2] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)