
Guido Schäfer

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29EEAndré Berger, Vincenzo Bonifaci, Fabrizio Grandoni, Guido Schäfer: Budgeted Matching and Budgeted Matroid Intersection Via the Gasoline Puzzle. IPCO 2008: 273-287
28EEJanina Brenner, Guido Schäfer: Singleton Acyclic Mechanisms and Their Applications to Scheduling Problems. SAGT 2008: 315-326
27EEFriedrich Eisenbrand, Fabrizio Grandoni, Thomas Rothvoß, Guido Schäfer: Approximating connected facility location problems via random facility sampling and core detouring. SODA 2008: 1174-1183
26EEVincenzo Bonifaci, Tobias Harks, Guido Schäfer: Stackelberg Routing in Arbitrary Networks. WINE 2008: 239-250
25EEGuido Schäfer: Steiner Forest. Encyclopedia of Algorithms 2008
24EEJochen Könemann, Stefano Leonardi, Guido Schäfer, Stefan H. M. van Zwam: A Group-Strategyproof Cost Sharing Mechanism for the Steiner Forest Game. SIAM J. Comput. 37(5): 1319-1341 (2008)
23EEJanina Brenner, Guido Schäfer: Group-strategyproof cost sharing mechanisms for makespan and other scheduling problems. Theor. Comput. Sci. 401(1-3): 96-106 (2008)
22EEFelix G. König, Marco E. Lübbecke, Rolf H. Möhring, Guido Schäfer, Ines Spenke: Solutions to Real-World Instances of PSPACE-Complete Stacking. ESA 2007: 729-740
21EEAnupam Gupta, Jochen Könemann, Stefano Leonardi, R. Ravi, Guido Schäfer: An efficient cost-sharing mechanism for the prize-collecting Steiner forest problem. SODA 2007: 1153-1162
20EEJanina Brenner, Guido Schäfer: Cost Sharing Methods for Makespan and Completion Time Scheduling. STACS 2007: 670-681
19EELisa Fleischer, Jochen Könemann, Stefano Leonardi, Guido Schäfer: Simple cost sharing schemes for multicommodity rent-or-buy and stochastic Steiner tree. STOC 2006: 663-670
18EEHolger Bast, Kurt Mehlhorn, Guido Schäfer, Hisao Tamaki: Matching Algorithms Are Fast in Sparse Random Graphs. Theory Comput. Syst. 39(1): 3-14 (2006)
17EELuca Becchetti, Stefano Leonardi, Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela, Guido Schäfer, Tjark Vredeveld: Average Case and Smoothed Competitive Analysis of the Multi-Level Feedback Algorithm. Algorithms for Optimization with Incomplete Information 2005
16EEGuido Schäfer, Naveen Sivadasan: Topology Matters: Smoothed Competitiveness of Metrical Task Systems. Algorithms for Optimization with Incomplete Information 2005
15EEJochen Könemann, Stefano Leonardi, Guido Schäfer, Stefan H. M. van Zwam: From Primal-Dual to Cost Shares and Back: A Stronger LP Relaxation for the Steiner Forest Problem. ICALP 2005: 930-942
14EEJochen Könemann, Stefano Leonardi, Guido Schäfer: A group-strategyproof mechanism for Steiner forests. SODA 2005: 612-619
13EEGuido Schäfer, Naveen Sivadasan: Topology matters: Smoothed competitiveness of metrical task systems. Theor. Comput. Sci. 341(1-3): 216-246 (2005)
12EEStefano Leonardi, Guido Schäfer: Cross-monotonic cost-sharing methods for connected facility location games. ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 2004: 242-243
11EEGuido Schäfer, Naveen Sivadasan: Topology Matters: Smoothed Competitiveness of Metrical Task Systems. STACS 2004: 489-500
10EEHolger Bast, Kurt Mehlhorn, Guido Schäfer, Hisao Tamaki: Matching Algorithms Are Fast in Sparse Random Graphs. STACS 2004: 81-92
9EEStefano Leonardi, Guido Schäfer: Cross-monotonic cost sharing methods for connected facility location games. Theor. Comput. Sci. 326(1-3): 431-442 (2004)
8EELuca Becchetti, Stefano Leonardi, Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela, Guido Schäfer, Tjark Vredeveld: Average Case and Smoothed Competitive Analysis of the Multi-Level Feedback Algorithm. FOCS 2003: 462-471
7EELuca Becchetti, Stefano Leonardi, Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela, Guido Schäfer: Scheduling to Minimize Flow Time Metrics. IPDPS 2003: 223
6EEHolger Bast, Kurt Mehlhorn, Guido Schäfer: A Heuristic for Dijkstra's Algorithm with Many Targets and Its Use in Weighted Matching Algorithms. Algorithmica 36(1): 75-88 (2003)
5EEKurt Mehlhorn, Guido Schäfer: Implementation of O(n m log n) Weighted Matchings in General Graphs: The Power of Data Structures. ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics 7: 4 (2002)
4EEKurt Mehlhorn, Volker Priebe, Guido Schäfer, Naveen Sivadasan: All-pairs shortest-paths computation in the presence of negative cycles. Inf. Process. Lett. 81(6): 341-343 (2002)
3EEKurt Mehlhorn, Guido Schäfer: A Heuristic for Dijkstra's Algorithm with Many Targets and Its Use in Weighted Matching Algorithms. ESA 2001: 242-253
2EEKurt Mehlhorn, Guido Schäfer: Implementation of O (nm log n) Weighted Matchings in General Graphs. The Power of Data Structures. Algorithm Engineering 2000: 23-38
1EEDaniele Frigioni, Tobias Miller, Umberto Nanni, Giulio Pasqualone, Guido Schäfer, Christos D. Zaroliagis: An Experimental Study of Dynamic Algorithms for Directed Graphs. ESA 1998: 368-380

Coauthor Index

1Holger Bast (Hannah Bast) [6] [10] [18]
2Luca Becchetti [7] [8] [17]
3André Berger [29]
4Vincenzo Bonifaci [26] [29]
5Janina Brenner [20] [23] [28]
6Friedrich Eisenbrand [27]
7Lisa Fleischer [19]
8Daniele Frigioni [1]
9Fabrizio Grandoni [27] [29]
10Anupam Gupta [21]
11Tobias Harks [26]
12Jochen Könemann [14] [15] [19] [21] [24]
13Felix G. König [22]
14Stefano Leonardi [7] [8] [9] [12] [14] [15] [17] [19] [21] [24]
15Marco E. Lübbecke [22]
16Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela [7] [8] [17]
17Kurt Mehlhorn [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [10] [18]
18Tobias Miller [1]
19Rolf H. Möhring [22]
20Umberto Nanni [1]
21Giulio Pasqualone [1]
22Volker Priebe [4]
23R. Ravi [21]
24Thomas Rothvoß [27]
25Naveen Sivadasan [4] [11] [13] [16]
26Ines Spenke [22]
27Hisao Tamaki [10] [18]
28Tjark Vredeveld [8] [17]
29Christos D. Zaroliagis [1]
30Stefan H. M. van Zwam [15] [24]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)