
Shun-Feng Su

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25EEZne-Jung Lee, Shun-Feng Su, Chen-Chia Chuang, Kuan-Hung Liu: Genetic algorithm with ant colony optimization (GA-ACO) for multiple sequence alignment. Appl. Soft Comput. 8(1): 55-78 (2008)
24EEZne-Jung Lee, Shih-Wei Lin, Shun-Feng Su, Chun-Yen Lin: A hybrid watermarking technique applied to digital images. Appl. Soft Comput. 8(1): 798-808 (2008)
23EEChih-Ching Hsiao, Shun-Feng Su: An On-Line Fuzzy Predictor from Real-Time Data. FUZZ-IEEE 2007: 1-5
22EESong-Shyong Chen, Jenq-Lang Wu, Yuan-Chang Chang, Shun-Feng Su: Fuzzy Control Design for Nonlinear Systems. FUZZ-IEEE 2007: 1-6
21EEWei-Yen Wang, Li-Chuan Chien, Yi-Hsum Li, Shun-Feng Su: MIMO Robust Control via T-S Fuzzy Models for Nonaffine Nonlinear Systems. FUZZ-IEEE 2007: 1-6
20EEYao-Chu Hsueh, Shun-Feng Su: Supervisory Controller Design Based On Lyapunov Stable Theory. SMC 2007: 3090-3095
19EEMing-Chang Chen, Wei-Yen Wang, Yi-Hsum Li, Shun-Feng Su: Dynamic slip ratio estimation and control of antilock braking systems considering wheel angular velocity. SMC 2007: 3282-3287
18EEKuo-Sheng Hung, Shun-Feng Su, Zne-Jung Lee: Improving Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms for Solving Traveling Salesman Problems. JACIII 11(4): 433-442 (2007)
17EEShun-Feng Su, Zne-Jung Lee, Yan-Ping Wang: Robust and fast learning for fuzzy cerebellar model articulation controllers. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 36(1): 203-208 (2006)
16EESong-Shyong Chen, Yuan-Chang Chang, Shun-Feng Su, Sheng-Luen Chung, Tsu-Tian Lee: Robust static output-feedback stabilization for nonlinear discrete-time systems with time delay via fuzzy control approach. IEEE T. Fuzzy Systems 13(2): 263-272 (2005)
15EEPao-Tsun Lin, Shun-Feng Su, Tsu-Tian Lee: Time-optimal control via fuzzy approach. SMC (4) 2004: 3817-3821
14EEZne-Jung Lee, Yan-Ping Wang, Shun-Feng Su: A genetic algorithm based robust learning credit assignment cerebellar model articulation controller. Appl. Soft Comput. 4(4): 357-367 (2004)
13EEYuan-Chang Chang, Song-Shyong Chen, Shun-Feng Su, Tsu-Tian Lee: Static output feedback stabilization for nonlinear interval time-delay systems via fuzzy control approach. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 148(3): 395-410 (2004)
12EEChih-Ching Hsiao, Shun-Feng Su, Tsu-Tian Lee, Chen-Chia Chuang: Hybrid compensation control for affine TSK fuzzy control systems. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 34(4): 1865-1873 (2004)
11EEJin-Tsong Jeng, Chen-Chia Chuang, Shun-Feng Su: Support vector interval regression networks for interval regression analysis. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 138(2): 283-300 (2003)
10 Zne-Jung Lee, Shun-Feng Su, Chou-Yuan Lee: Efficiently solving general weapon-target assignment problem by genetic algorithms with greedy eugenics. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 33(1): 113-121 (2003)
9 Shun-Feng Su, T. Tao, Ta-Hsiung Hung: Credit assigned CMAC and its application to online learning robust controllers. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 33(2): 202-213 (2003)
8EEZne-Jung Lee, Shun-Feng Su, Chou-Yuan Lee, Yao-Shan Hung: A Heuristic Genetic Algorithm for Solving Resource Allocation Problems. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 5(4): 503-511 (2003)
7EEZne-Jung Lee, Chou-Yuan Lee, Shun-Feng Su: An immunity-based ant colony optimization algorithm for solving weapon-target assignment problem. Appl. Soft Comput. 2(1): 39-47 (2002)
6 Shun-Feng Su, Sheng-Hsiung Hsieh: Embedding fuzzy mechanisms and knowledge in box-type reinforcement learning controllers. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 32(5): 645-653 (2002)
5 Shun-Feng Su, Chan-Ben Lin, Yen-Tseng Hsu: A high precision global prediction approach based on local prediction approaches. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C 32(4): 416-425 (2002)
4 Shun-Feng Su, Ta-Jyh Horng, Kuu-young Young: Evolution-Based Virtual Training in Extracting Fuzzy Knowledge for Deburring Tasks. ICRA 2000: 3855-3860
3 Shun-Feng Su, C. S. George Lee: Generation of the Destination for a Mating Action in the Presence of Uncertainty. ICRA 1994: 3435-3440
2 Shun-Feng Su, C. S. George Lee: Automatic Generation of Goal Regions for Assembly Tasks in the Presence of Uncertainity. ICRA (1) 1993: 77-82
1EEWynne Hsu, C. S. George Lee, Shun-Feng Su: Feedback approach to design for assembly by evaluation of assembly plan. Computer-Aided Design 25(7): 395-410 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Yuan-Chang Chang [13] [16] [22]
2Ming-Chang Chen [19]
3Song-Shyong Chen [13] [16] [22]
4Li-Chuan Chien [21]
5Chen-Chia Chuang [11] [12] [25]
6Sheng-Luen Chung [16]
7Ta-Jyh Horng [4]
8Chih-Ching Hsiao [12] [23]
9Sheng-Hsiung Hsieh [6]
10Wynne Hsu [1]
11Yen-Tseng Hsu [5]
12Yao-Chu Hsueh [20]
13Kuo-Sheng Hung [18]
14Ta-Hsiung Hung [9]
15Yao-Shan Hung [8]
16Jin-Tsong Jeng [11]
17C. S. George Lee [1] [2] [3]
18Chou-Yuan Lee [7] [8] [10]
19Tsu-Tian Lee [12] [13] [15] [16]
20Zne-Jung Lee [7] [8] [10] [14] [17] [18] [24] [25]
21Yi-Hsum Li [19] [21]
22Chan-Ben Lin [5]
23Chun-Yen Lin [24]
24Pao-Tsun Lin [15]
25Shih-Wei Lin [24]
26Kuan-Hung Liu [25]
27T. Tao [9]
28Wei-Yen Wang [19] [21]
29Yan-Ping Wang [14] [17]
30Jenq-Lang Wu [22]
31Kuu-young Young [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)