2008 | ||
119 | J. J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, Raghupathy Sivakumar, Peter Steenkiste: Proceedings of the 14th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, MOBICOM 2008, San Francisco, California, USA, September 14-19, 2008 ACM 2008 | |
118 | EE | João Pedro Sousa, Vahe Poladian, David Garlan, Bradley R. Schmerl, Peter Steenkiste: Steps toward activity-oriented computing. IPDPS 2008: 1-5 |
117 | EE | Vitor Jesus, Rui L. Aguiar, Peter Steenkiste: A stateless architectural approach to inter-domain QoS. ISCC 2008: 883-890 |
116 | EE | Glenn Judd, Xiaohui Wang, Peter Steenkiste: Efficient channel-aware rate adaptation in dynamic environments. MobiSys 2008: 118-131 |
115 | EE | Mei-Hsuan Lu, Peter Steenkiste, Tsuhan Chen: FlexMAC: a wireless protocol development and evaluation platform based on commodity hardware. WINTECH 2008: 105-106 |
114 | EE | Mei-Hsuan Lu, Peter Steenkiste, Tsuhan Chen: Using commodity hardware platform to develop and evaluate CSMA protocols. WINTECH 2008: 73-80 |
2007 | ||
113 | Peter Steenkiste, Bhaskaran Raman: Proceedings of the Second ACM Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental Evaluation and Characterization, WINTECH 2007, Montréal, Québec, Canada, September 10, 2007 ACM 2007 | |
112 | EE | Jun Gao, Peter Steenkiste: Efficient Support for Similarity Searches in DHT-Based Peer-to-Peer Systems. ICC 2007: 1867-1874 |
111 | EE | Mei-Hsuan Lu, Peter Steenkiste, Tsuhan Chen: Time-Aware Opportunistic Relay for Video Streaming Over WLANs. ICME 2007: 1782-1785 |
110 | EE | Glenn Judd, Xiaohui Wang, Peter Steenkiste: Low-overhead channel-aware rate adaptation. MOBICOM 2007: 354-357 |
109 | EE | Nancy Miller, Peter Steenkiste: Design and Evaluation of a Hybrid Physical Space Service for Pervasive Computing Applications. MobiQuitous 2007: 1-8 |
108 | EE | Glenn Judd, Peter Steenkiste: Design and Implementation of an RF Front End for Physical Layer Wireless Network Emulation. VTC Spring 2007: 974-979 |
107 | EE | Thomas F. La Porta, Matt W. Mutka, Claudio S. Pinhanez, Peter Steenkiste: Editorial PerCom 2007 special issue. Pervasive and Mobile Computing 3(6): 607-608 (2007) |
106 | EE | Mei-Hsuan Lu, Peter Steenkiste, Tsuhan Chen: A time-based adaptive retry strategy for video streaming in 802.11 WLANs. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 7(2): 187-203 (2007) |
105 | EE | Aditya Akella, Glenn Judd, Srinivasan Seshan, Peter Steenkiste: Self-management in chaotic wireless deployments. Wireless Networks 13(6): 737-755 (2007) |
2006 | ||
104 | EE | Urs Hengartner, Peter Steenkiste: Avoiding Privacy Violations Caused by Context-Sensitive Services. PerCom 2006: 222-233 |
103 | EE | Urs Hengartner, Peter Steenkiste: Securing Information Gateways with Derivation-Constrained Access Control. SPC 2006: 181-195 |
102 | EE | Glenn Judd, Peter Steenkiste: A software architecture for physical layer wireless network emulation. WINTECH 2006: 2-9 |
101 | EE | Laurent Mathy, David Hutchison, Thomas Plagemann, Peter Steenkiste: Overlay distribution structures and their applications. Computer Networks 50(6): 739-741 (2006) |
100 | EE | Michael Hemy, Peter Steenkiste, Thomas R. Gross: Adaptive filtering of MPEG system streams in IP networks. Multimedia Tools Appl. 30(1): 1-26 (2006) |
99 | EE | Urs Hengartner, Peter Steenkiste: Exploiting information relationships for access control in pervasive computing. Pervasive and Mobile Computing 2(3): 344-367 (2006) |
98 | EE | Urs Hengartner, Peter Steenkiste: Avoiding privacy violations caused by context-sensitive services. Pervasive and Mobile Computing 2(4): 427-452 (2006) |
2005 | ||
97 | EE | Mei-Hsuan Lu, Peter Steenkiste, Tsuhan Chen: Video Streaming Over 802.11 WLAN with Content-Aware Adaptive Retry. ICME 2005: 723-726 |
96 | EE | Ningning Hu, Li Li, Zhuoqing Morley Mao, Peter Steenkiste, Jia Wang: A measurement study of Internet bottlenecks. INFOCOM 2005: 1689-1700 |
95 | EE | Ningning Hu, Peter Steenkiste: Exploiting Internet Route Sharing for Large Scale Available Bandwidth Estimation. Internet Measurment Conference 2005: 187-192 |
94 | EE | Aditya Akella, Glenn Judd, Srinivasan Seshan, Peter Steenkiste: Self-management in chaotic wireless deployments. MOBICOM 2005: 185-199 |
93 | EE | Glenn Judd, Peter Steenkiste: Using Emulation to Understand and Improve Wireless Networks and Applications. NSDI 2005 |
92 | EE | Urs Hengartner, Peter Steenkiste: Exploiting Information Relationships for Access Control. PerCom 2005: 269-278 |
91 | EE | Philip Koopman, Howie Choset, Rajeev Gandhi, Bruce H. Krogh, Diana Marculescu, Priya Narasimhan, JoAnn M. Paul, Ragunathan Rajkumar, Daniel P. Siewiorek, Asim Smailagic, Peter Steenkiste, Donald E. Thomas, Chenxi Wang: Undergraduate embedded system education at Carnegie Mellon. ACM Trans. Embedded Comput. Syst. 4(3): 500-528 (2005) |
90 | EE | Urs Hengartner, Peter Steenkiste: Access control to people location information. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. Secur. 8(4): 424-456 (2005) |
2004 | ||
89 | EE | An-Cheng Huang, Peter Steenkiste: Building Self-Configuring Services Using Service-Specific Knowledge. HPDC 2004: 45-54 |
88 | EE | Shang-Wen Cheng, An-Cheng Huang, David Garlan, Bradley R. Schmerl, Peter Steenkiste: Rainbow: Architecture-Based Self-Adaptation with Reusable Infrastructure. ICAC 2004: 276-277 |
87 | EE | Jun Gao, Peter Steenkiste: An Adaptive Protocol for Efficient Support of Range Queries in DHT-Based Systems. ICNP 2004: 239-250 |
86 | EE | Urs Hengartner, Peter Steenkiste: Implementing access control to people location information. SACMAT 2004: 11-20 |
85 | EE | Ningning Hu, Erran L. Li, Zhuoqing Morley Mao, Peter Steenkiste, Jia Wang: Locating internet bottlenecks: algorithms, measurements, and implications. SIGCOMM 2004: 41-54 |
84 | EE | Shang-Wen Cheng, An-Cheng Huang, David Garlan, Bradley R. Schmerl, Peter Steenkiste: An Architecture for Coordinating Multiple Self-Management Systems. WICSA 2004: 243-254 |
83 | EE | Glenn Judd, Peter Steenkiste: Repeatable and realistic wireless experimentation through physical emulation. Computer Communication Review 34(1): 63-68 (2004) |
82 | EE | David Garlan, Shang-Wen Cheng, An-Cheng Huang, Bradley R. Schmerl, Peter Steenkiste: Rainbow: Architecture-Based Self-Adaptation with Reusable Infrastructure. IEEE Computer 37(10): 46-54 (2004) |
81 | EE | Jun Gao, Peter Steenkiste: Design and evaluation of a distributed scalable content discovery system. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 22(1): 54-66 (2004) |
2003 | ||
80 | Urs Hengartner, Peter Steenkiste: Access Control to Information in Pervasive Computing Environments. HotOS 2003: 157-162 | |
79 | EE | Ningning Hu, Peter Steenkiste: Improving TCP Startup Performance Using Active Measurements: Algorithm and Evaluation. ICNP 2003: 107- |
78 | EE | George Tzanetakis, Jun Gao, Peter Steenkiste: A scalable peer-to-peer system for music content and information retrieval. ISMIR 2003 |
77 | EE | Glenn Judd, Peter Steenkiste: Providing Contextual Information to Pervasive Computing Applications. PerCom 2003: 133-142 |
76 | EE | Peter Steenkiste: A network project course based on network processors. SIGCSE 2003: 262-266 |
75 | EE | Urs Hengartner, Peter Steenkiste: Protecting Access to People Location Information. SPC 2003: 25-38 |
74 | EE | An-Cheng Huang, Peter Steenkiste: Network-Sensitive Service Discovery. USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems 2003 |
73 | EE | Bruce Lowekamp, Nancy Miller, Roger Karrer, Thomas R. Gross, Peter Steenkiste: Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of the Remos Network Monitoring System. J. Grid Comput. 1(1): 75-93 (2003) |
72 | EE | An-Cheng Huang, Peter Steenkiste: Network-Sensitive Service Discovery. J. Grid Comput. 1(3): 309-326 (2003) |
71 | EE | Scott M. Thayer, Peter Steenkiste: An Architecture for the Integration of Physical and Informational Spaces. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 7(2): 82-90 (2003) |
2002 | ||
70 | EE | Shang-Wen Cheng, David Garlan, Bradley R. Schmerl, João Pedro Sousa, Bridget Spitznagel, Peter Steenkiste, Ningning Hu: Software Architecture-Based Adaptation for Pervasive Systems. ARCS 2002: 67-82 |
69 | EE | Scott M. Thayer, Peter Steenkiste: An Architecture for the Integration of Physical and Informational Spaces. ARCS 2002: 7-20 |
68 | EE | Peter Steenkiste, Prashant R. Chandra, Jun Gao, Syed Umair Ahmed Shah: An Active Networking Approach to Service Customization. DANCE 2002: 305-318 |
67 | EE | Shang-Wen Cheng, David Garlan, Bradley R. Schmerl, Peter Steenkiste, Ningning Hu: Software Architecture-Based Adaptation for Grid Computing. HPDC 2002: 389-398 |
66 | Jun Gao, Peter Steenkiste: Rendezvous Points-Based Scalable Content Discovery with Load Balancing. Networked Group Communication 2002: 71-78 | |
65 | EE | Changhao Jiang, Peter Steenkiste: A Hybrid Location Model with a Computable Location Identifier for Ubiquitous Computing. Ubicomp 2002: 246-263 |
64 | Shang-Wen Cheng, David Garlan, Bradley R. Schmerl, João Pedro Sousa, Bridget Spitznagel, Peter Steenkiste: Using Architectural Style as a Basis for System Self-repair. WICSA 2002: 45-59 | |
63 | EE | Glenn Judd, Peter Steenkiste: A bandwidth advisor for wireless networks. Computer Communication Review 32(1): 58 (2002) |
62 | EE | Glenn Judd, Peter Steenkiste: Fixing 802.11 access point selection. Computer Communication Review 32(3): 31 (2002) |
61 | EE | David A. Eckhardt, Peter Steenkiste: An Internet-style approach to wireless link errors. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2(1): 21-35 (2002) |
2001 | ||
60 | EE | Jiann-Min Ho, Jia-Cheng Hu, Peter Steenkiste: A conference gateway supporting interoperability between SIP and H.323. ACM Multimedia 2001: 421-430 |
59 | EE | Peter A. Dinda, Thomas R. Gross, Roger Karrer, Bruce Lowekamp, Nancy Miller, Peter Steenkiste, Dean Sutherland: The Architecture of the Remos System. HPDC 2001: 252-265 |
58 | EE | Syed Umair Ahmed Shah, Peter Steenkiste: Customizable Cooperative Metering for Multi-ingress Service Level Agreements in Differentiated Network Services. IWQoS 2001: 325-341 |
57 | Peter Steenkiste: Editorial. Cluster Computing 4(1): 5 (2001) | |
56 | EE | L. Keng Lim, Jun Gao, T. S. Eugene Ng, Prashant R. Chandra, Peter Steenkiste, Hui Zhang: Customizable virtual private network service with QoS. Computer Networks 36(2/3): 137-151 (2001) |
2000 | ||
55 | Michael Hemy, Peter Steenkiste, Thomas R. Gross: Evaluation of Adaptive Filtering of MPEG System Streams in IP Networks. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (III) 2000: 1313-1317 | |
54 | EE | David A. Eckhardt, Peter Steenkiste: Effort-limited Fair (ELF) Scheduling for Wireless Networks. INFOCOM 2000: 1097-1106 |
53 | EE | Nancy Miller, Peter Steenkiste: Collecting Network Status Information for Network-Aware Applications. INFOCOM 2000: 641-650 |
52 | Jaspal Subhlok, Peter Steenkiste: Airshed Pollution Modeling in an HPF Style Environment. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 60(6): 690-715 (2000) | |
1999 | ||
51 | Peter Steenkiste: Adaptation Models for Network-Aware Distributed Computations. CANPC 1999: 16-31 | |
50 | EE | Thomas R. Gross, Peter Steenkiste, Jaspal Subhlok: Adaptive Distributed Applications on Heterogeneous Networks. Heterogeneous Computing Workshop 1999: 209-218 |
49 | Prashant R. Chandra, Allan Fisher, Peter Steenkiste: A Signaling Protocol for Structured Resource Allocation. INFOCOM 1999: 522-533 | |
48 | Qingming Ma, Peter Steenkiste: Supporting Dynamic Inter-Class Resource Sharing: A Multi-Class QoS Routing Algorithm. INFOCOM 1999: 649-660 | |
47 | Bruce Lowekamp, Nancy Miller, Thomas R. Gross, Peter Steenkiste, Jaspal Subhlok, Dean Sutherland: A resource query interface for network-aware applications. Cluster Computing 2(2): 139-151 (1999) | |
46 | David A. Eckhardt, Peter Steenkiste: A Trace-Based Evaluation of Adaptive Error Correction for a Wireless Local Area Network. MONET 4(4): 273-287 (1999) | |
1998 | ||
45 | EE | Bruce Lowekamp, Nancy Miller, Dean Sutherland, Thomas R. Gross, Peter Steenkiste, Jaspal Subhlok: A Resource Query Interface for Network-Aware Applications. HPDC 1998: 189- |
44 | EE | Prashant R. Chandra, Allan Fisher, Corey Kosak, T. S. Eugene Ng, Peter Steenkiste, Eiichi Takahashi, Hui Zhang: Darwin: Customizable Resource Management for Value-Added Network Services. ICNP 1998: 177-188 |
43 | EE | David A. Eckhardt, Peter Steenkiste: Improving Wireless LAN Performance via Adaptive Local Error Control. ICNP 1998: 327-338 |
42 | José Carlos Brustoloni, Peter Steenkiste: User-Level Protocol Servers with Kernel-Level Performance. INFOCOM 1998: 463-471 | |
41 | EE | Jaspal Subhlok, Peter Steenkiste, James M. Stichnoth, Peter Lieu: Airshed Pollution Modeling: A Case Study in Application Development in an HPF Environment. IPPS/SPDP 1998: 701-710 |
40 | Hongsuda Tangmunarunkit, Peter Steenkiste: Network-Aware Distributed Computing: A Case Study. IPPS/SPDP Workshops 1998: 171-182 | |
39 | EE | Bruce Lowekamp, Nancy Miller, Dean Sutherland, Thomas R. Gross, Peter Steenkiste, Jaspal Subhlok: Network-Aware Parallel Computing with Remos. LCPC 1998: 100-119 |
38 | Peter Steenkiste: Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Single-Copy Protocol Stack. Softw., Pract. Exper. 28(7): 749-772 (1998) | |
1997 | ||
37 | EE | Qingming Ma, Peter Steenkiste: On path selection for traffic with bandwidth guarantees. ICNP 1997: 191- |
36 | José Carlos Brustoloni, Peter Steenkiste: Copy Emulation in Checksummed, Multiple-Packet Communication. INFOCOM 1997: 1122-1130 | |
35 | Prashant R. Chandra, Allan Fisher, Corey Kosak, Peter Steenkiste: Experimental Evaluation of ATM Congestion Control Mechanisms. INFOCOM 1997: 1324-1332 | |
34 | EE | Peter Steenkiste: A High-Speed Network Interface for Distributed-Memory Systems: Architecture and Applications. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 15(1): 75-109 (1997) |
33 | Bruce S. Siegell, Peter Steenkiste: Automatic selection of load balancing parameters using compile-time and run-time information. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 9(4): 275-317 (1997) | |
1996 | ||
32 | EE | Todd W. Mummert, Corey Kosak, Peter Steenkiste, Allan Fisher: Fine Grain Parallel Communication on General Purpose LANs. International Conference on Supercomputing 1996: 341-349 |
31 | José Carlos Brustoloni, Peter Steenkiste: Effects of Buffering Semantics on I/O Performance. OSDI 1996: 277-291 | |
30 | EE | Qingming Ma, Peter Steenkiste, Hui Zhang: Routing High-Bandwidth Traffic in Max-Min Fair Share Networks. SIGCOMM 1996: 206-217 |
29 | EE | David A. Eckhardt, Peter Steenkiste: Measurement and Analysis of the Error Characteristics of an In-Building Wireless Network. SIGCOMM 1996: 243-254 |
28 | EE | Peter Steenkiste: Network-Based Multicomputers: A Practical Supercomputer Architecture. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 7(8): 861-875 (1996) |
1995 | ||
27 | EE | Corey Kosak, David A. Eckhardt, Todd W. Mummert, Peter Steenkiste, Allan Fisher: Buffer management and flow control in the Credit Net ATM host interface. LCN 1995: 370-378 |
26 | EE | Bruce S. Siegell, Peter Steenkiste: Controlling Application Grain Size on a Network of Workstations. SC 1995 |
25 | EE | Robert L. Clay, Peter Steenkiste: Distributing a Chemical Process Optimization Application Over a Gigabit Network. SC 1995 |
24 | EE | Michael Hemy, Peter Steenkiste: Gigabit I/O for Distributed-Memory Machines: Architecture and Applications. SC 1995 |
23 | EE | Karl Kleinpaste, Peter Steenkiste, Brian Zill: Software Support for Outboard Buffering and Checksumming. SIGCOMM 1995: 87-98 |
1994 | ||
22 | Bruce S. Siegell, Peter Steenkiste: Automatic Generation of Parallel Programs with Dynamic Load Balancing. HPDC 1994: 166-175 | |
21 | Claudson F. Bornstein, Peter Steenkiste: Data Reshuffling in Support of Fast I/O for Distributed-Memory Machines. HPDC 1994: 227-235 | |
20 | Peter Steenkiste, Michael Hemy, Todd W. Mummert, Brian Zill: Architecture and Evaluation of High-Speed Networking Subsystem for Distributed-Memory Systems. ISCA 1994: 154-163 | |
19 | EE | Thomas R. Gross, Peter Steenkiste: Architecture implications of high-speed I/O for distributed-memory computers. International Conference on Supercomputing 1994: 176-185 |
18 | Qingming Ma, Peter Steenkiste: Performance of Circuit Switched LANs under Different Traffic Conditions. LCN 1994: 266-276 | |
17 | Peter Steenkiste: A Systematic Approach to Host Interface Design for High-Speed Networks. IEEE Computer 27(3): 47-57 (1994) | |
1993 | ||
16 | Hiroshi Nishikawa, Peter Steenkiste: A General Architecture for Load Balancing in a Distributed-Memory Environment. ICDCS 1993: 47-54 | |
15 | EE | Peter Steenkiste: Analysing communication latency using the Nectar communication processor. Computer Communications 16(8): 472-483 (1993) |
1992 | ||
14 | Peter Steenkiste, Brian Zill, H. T. Kung, Steven Schlick, Jim Hughes, Bob Kowalski, John Mullaney: A Host Interface Architecture for High-Speed Networks. HPN 1992: 31-46 | |
13 | Hiroshi Nishikawa, Peter Steenkiste: Aroma: Language Support for Distributed Objects. IPPS 1992: 686-690 | |
12 | EE | Peter Steenkiste: Analyzing Communication Latency Using the Nectar Communication Processor. SIGCOMM 1992: 199-209 |
1991 | ||
11 | EE | Bernd Bruegge, Peter Steenkiste: Supporting the development of network programs. ICDCS 1991: 641-648 |
10 | H. T. Kung, Peter Steenkiste, Marco Gubitoso, Manpreet Khaira: Parallelizing a New Class of Large Applications over High-speed Networks. PPOPP 1991: 167-177 | |
9 | EE | H. T. Kung, Robert D. Sansom, Steven Schlick, Peter Steenkiste, Matthieu Arnould, Francois J. Bitz, Fred Christianson, Eric C. Cooper, Onat Menzilcioglu, Denise Ombres, Brian Zill: Network-based multicomputers: an emerging parallel architecture. SC 1991: 664-673 |
1990 | ||
8 | EE | Eric C. Cooper, Peter Steenkiste, Robert D. Sansom, Brian Zill: Protocol Implementation on the Nectar Communication Processor. SIGCOMM 1990: 135-144 |
7 | Thomas R. Gross, Peter Steenkiste: Structured Dataflow Analysis for Arrays and its Use in an Optimizing Compiler. Softw., Pract. Exper. 20(2): 133-155 (1990) | |
1989 | ||
6 | Emmanuel A. Arnould, Francois J. Bitz, Eric C. Cooper, H. T. Kung, Robert D. Sansom, Peter Steenkiste: The Design of Nectar: A Network Backplane for Heterogeneous Multicomputers. ASPLOS 1989: 205-216 | |
5 | EE | Peter Steenkiste: The Impact of Code Density on Instruction Cache Performance. ISCA 1989: 252-259 |
4 | EE | Peter Steenkiste, John L. Hennessy: A Simple Interprocedural Register Allocation Algorithm and Its Effectiveness for Lisp. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 11(1): 1-32 (1989) |
1988 | ||
3 | Peter Steenkiste, John L. Hennessy: Lisp on a Reduced-Instruction-Set Processor: Characterization and Optimization. IEEE Computer 21(7): 34-45 (1988) | |
1987 | ||
2 | Peter Steenkiste, John L. Hennessy: Tags and Type Checking in Lisp: Hardware and Software Approaches. ASPLOS 1987: 50-59 | |
1986 | ||
1 | Peter Steenkiste, John L. Hennessy: LISP on a Reduced-Instruction-Set-Processor. LISP and Functional Programming 1986: 192-201 |