
Urs Hengartner

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19EEJeremy Clark, Urs Hengartner: Panic Passwords: Authenticating under Duress. HotSec 2008
18EEGe Zhong, Urs Hengartner: Toward a distributed k-anonymity protocol for location privacy. WPES 2008: 33-38
17EEUrs Hengartner: Hiding Location Information from Location-Based Services. MDM 2007: 268-272
16EEUrs Hengartner, Ge Zhong: Distributed, Uncertainty-Aware Access Control for Pervasive Computing. PerCom Workshops 2007: 241-246
15EEGe Zhong, Ian Goldberg, Urs Hengartner: Louis, Lester and Pierre: Three Protocols for Location Privacy. Privacy Enhancing Technologies 2007: 62-76
14EEUrs Hengartner, Peter Steenkiste: Avoiding Privacy Violations Caused by Context-Sensitive Services. PerCom 2006: 222-233
13EEUrs Hengartner, Peter Steenkiste: Securing Information Gateways with Derivation-Constrained Access Control. SPC 2006: 181-195
12EEUrs Hengartner, Peter Steenkiste: Exploiting information relationships for access control in pervasive computing. Pervasive and Mobile Computing 2(3): 344-367 (2006)
11EEUrs Hengartner, Peter Steenkiste: Avoiding privacy violations caused by context-sensitive services. Pervasive and Mobile Computing 2(4): 427-452 (2006)
10EEUrs Hengartner, Peter Steenkiste: Exploiting Information Relationships for Access Control. PerCom 2005: 269-278
9EEUrs Hengartner, Peter Steenkiste: Access control to people location information. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. Secur. 8(4): 424-456 (2005)
8EEUrs Hengartner, Peter Steenkiste: Implementing access control to people location information. SACMAT 2004: 11-20
7 Urs Hengartner, Peter Steenkiste: Access Control to Information in Pervasive Computing Environments. HotOS 2003: 157-162
6EEUrs Hengartner, Peter Steenkiste: Protecting Access to People Location Information. SPC 2003: 25-38
5EEUrs Hengartner, Sue B. Moon, Richard Mortier, Christophe Diot: Detection and analysis of routing loops in packet traces. Internet Measurement Workshop 2002: 107-112
4EEAndy Myers, John Chuang, Urs Hengartner, Yinglian Xie, Weiqiang Zhuang, Hui Zhang: A Secure, Publisher-Centric Web Caching Infrastructure. INFOCOM 2001: 1235-1243
3EEUrs Hengartner, Jürg Bolliger, Thomas R. Gross: TCP Vegas Revisited. INFOCOM 2000: 1546-1555
2 Urs Hengartner, Elisabeth Maier, Christos Kefos, Lutz Richter, Reinhard Riedl, Martina Klose, Ulrike Lechner, Olga Miler, Beat Schmid: Organization on intranet - An agent based approach. IRMA Conference 2000: 316-319
1 Jürg Bolliger, Thomas R. Gross, Urs Hengartner: Bandwidth Modeling for Network-Aware Applications. INFOCOM 1999: 1300-1309

Coauthor Index

1Jürg Bolliger [1] [3]
2John C.-I. Chuang (John Chuang) [4]
3Jeremy Clark [19]
4Christophe Diot [5]
5Ian Goldberg [15]
6Thomas R. Gross [1] [3]
7Christos Kefos [2]
8Martina Klose [2]
9Ulrike Lechner [2]
10Elisabeth Maier [2]
11Olga Miler [2]
12Sue B. Moon [5]
13Richard Mortier [5]
14Andy Myers [4]
15Lutz Richter [2]
16Reinhard Riedl [2]
17Beat Schmid [2]
18Peter Steenkiste [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
19Yinglian Xie [4]
20Hui Zhang [4]
21Ge Zhong [15] [16] [18]
22Weiqiang Zhuang [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)