
Rey-Long Liu

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26EERey-Long Liu: Context recognition for hierarchical text classification. JASIST 60(4): 803-813 (2009)
25EERey-Long Liu: Context-Based Term Frequency Assessment for Text Classification. PRICAI 2008: 1004-1009
24EERey-Long Liu: Interactive high-quality text classification. Inf. Process. Manage. 44(3): 1062-1075 (2008)
23EERey-Long Liu: Text Classification for Healthcare Information Support. IEA/AIE 2007: 44-53
22EERey-Long Liu: Dynamic category profiling for text filtering and classification. Inf. Process. Manage. 43(1): 154-168 (2007)
21EERey-Long Liu: Dynamic Category Profiling for Text Filtering and Classification. PAKDD 2006: 255-264
20EERey-Long Liu: Mining for Context Recognition in Document Filtering and Classification. ACIS-ICIS 2005: 381-386
19EERey-Long Liu, Wan-Jung Lin: Adaptive sampling for thresholding in document filtering and classification. Inf. Process. Manage. 41(4): 745-758 (2005)
18EERey-Long Liu, Wan-Jung Lin: Incremental mining of information interest for personalized web scanning. Inf. Syst. 30(8): 630-648 (2005)
17EERey-Long Liu: Collaborative Multiagent Adaptation for Business Environmental Scanning Through the Internet. Appl. Intell. 20(2): 119-133 (2004)
16EERey-Long Liu: Inquiry-Bounded Mining of Imprecise Data for Adaptive Information Monitoring. Applied Artificial Intelligence 18(7): 631-650 (2004)
15EERey-Long Liu, Wan-Jung Lin: Erratum to: "Mining for interactive identification of users? information needs": [Information Systems 28 (2003) 815-833]. Inf. Syst. 29(8): 719 (2004)
14EERey-Long Liu, Yun-Ling Lu: Distributed agents for cost-effective monitoring of critical success factors. Decision Support Systems 35(3): 353-366 (2003)
13EERey-Long Liu, Wan-Jung Lin: Mining for interactive identification of users' information needs. Inf. Syst. 28(7): 815-833 (2003)
12EERey-Long Liu: Adaptive Agents for Effective Information Monitoring. Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst. 12(1): 37-60 (2003)
11EERey-Long Liu, Yun-Ling Lu: Incremental context mining for adaptive document classification. KDD 2002: 599-604
10EERey-Long Liu: An Adaptive Agent Society for Environmental Scanning through the Internet. PRIMA 2001: 139-153
9 Rey-Long Liu, Meng-Jung Shih, Yu-Fen Kao: Adaptive Exception Monitoring Agents for Management by Exceptions. Applied Artificial Intelligence 15(4): 397-418 (2001)
8EERey-Long Liu, Szu-Yin Lin: Adaptive Coordination of Agents for Timely and Resource-Bounded Information Monitoring. ICMAS 2000: 175-182
7EEKoong H. C. Lin, Rey-Long Liu, Von-Wun Soo: Interactive acquisition of thematic information of Chinese verbs for judicial verdict document understanding using templates, syntactic clues, and heuristics. ICDAR 1995: 297-300
6EERey-Long Liu, Von-Wun Soo: A Corpus-Based Learning Technique for Building A Self-Extensible Parser. COLING 1994: 441-446
5 Rey-Long Liu, Von-Wun Soo: Explanation-based natural language acquisition using universal linguistic principles as innate domain theory. Applied Artificial Intelligence 8(4): 459-481 (1994)
4EERey-Long Liu, Von-Wun Soo: A New Algorithm for Deterministic Parsing and Its Application to Grammar and Style Checking. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 11(3): 369-385 (1994)
3 Rey-Long Liu, Von-Wun Soo: An Empirical Study on Thematic Knowledge Acquisition Based on Syntactic Clues and Heuristics. ACL 1993: 243-250
2 Rey-Long Liu, Von-Wun Soo: Parsing-Driven Generalization for Natural Language Acquisition. IJPRAI 7(3): 621-644 (1993)
1 Rey-Long Liu, Von-Wun Soo: Augmenting and Efficiently Utilizing Domain Theory in Explanation-Based Natural Language Acquisition. ML 1992: 282-289

Coauthor Index

1Yu-Fen Kao [9]
2Koong H. C. Lin [7]
3Szu-Yin Lin [8]
4Wan-Jung Lin [13] [15] [18] [19]
5Yun-Ling Lu [11] [14]
6Meng-Jung Shih [9]
7Von-Wun Soo [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)