
Ching-chih Chen

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16EEJosé Luis Borbinha, Ching-chih Chen, Stavros Christodoulakis: Multimedia contents and management. Int. J. on Digital Libraries 6(1): 1-2 (2006)
15EEJames Ze Wang, Kurt Grieb, Ya Zhang, Ching-chih Chen, Yixin Chen, Jia Li: Machine annotation and retrieval for digital imagery of historical materials. Int. J. on Digital Libraries 6(1): 18-29 (2006)
14EETakashi Nagatsuka, Ching-chih Chen: Global Memory Net Offers New Innovative Access to Tsurumi's Old Japanese Waka Poems and Tales, and Maps . ICADL 2005: 149-157
13EEChing-chih Chen: Thai's Invaluable Memory Celebrated Via Global Memory Net. ICADL 2005: 496-508
12EEChing-chih Chen, Howard D. Wactlar, James Ze Wang, Kevin Kiernan: Digital imagery for significant cultural and historical materials. Int. J. on Digital Libraries 5(4): 275-286 (2005)
11 Hsinchun Chen, Howard D. Wactlar, Ching-chih Chen, Ee-Peng Lim, Michael G. Christel: ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, JCDL 2004, Tuscon, AZ, USA, June 7-11, 2004, Proceedings ACM 2004
10EEChing-chih Chen: Global Memory Net: New Collaboration, New Activities and New Potentials. ICADL 2004: 73-83
9EEVon-Wun Soo, Chen-Yu Lee, Chung-Cheng Li, Shu Lei Chen, Ching-chih Chen: Automated Semantic Annotation and Retrieval Based on Sharable Ontology and Case-Based Learning Techniques. JCDL 2003: 61-
8EEVon-Wun Soo, Chen-Yu Lee, Jaw Jium Yeh, Ching-chih Chen: Using sharable ontology to retrieve historical images. JCDL 2002: 197-198
7EEHoward D. Wactlar, Ching-chih Chen: Enhanced perspectives for historical and cultural documentaries using informedia technologies. JCDL 2002: 338-339
6EESally E. Howe, David C. Nagel, Ching-chih Chen, Stephen M. Griffin, James Lightbourne, Walter L. Warnick: The president's information technology advisory committee's february 2001 digital library report and its impact. JCDL 2001: 223-225
5EESu-Shing Chen, Ching-chih Chen: Workshop 4: digital libraries in asian languages. JCDL 2001: 485
4 Ching-chih Chen: From Educational Multimedia to "Global Digital Library" Development: Convergence of Technology, Content, and International Collaboration. WebNet 2001: 175-178
3 Ching-chih Chen: Hypermedia/Multimedia Technology and New Opportunities for Libraries in the 1990s. Essen Symposium 1989: 1-23
2 David Raitt, Ching-chih Chen: Use of CD-ROMs in West German Libraries. Essen Symposium 1989: 25-36
1 Ching-chih Chen: The Potential of the Interactive Videodisc for International Cooperation as Documented by Project Emperor-I. Essen Symposium 1986: 189-204

Coauthor Index

1José Luis Borbinha [16]
2Hsinchun Chen [11]
3Shu Lei Chen [9]
4Su-Shing Chen [5]
5Yixin Chen [15]
6Michael G. Christel [11]
7Stavros Christodoulakis [16]
8Kurt Grieb [15]
9Stephen M. Griffin [6]
10Sally E. Howe [6]
11Kevin Kiernan [12]
12Chen-Yu Lee [8] [9]
13Chung-Cheng Li [9]
14Jia Li [15]
15James Lightbourne [6]
16Ee-Peng Lim [11]
17Takashi Nagatsuka [14]
18David C. Nagel [6]
19David Raitt [2]
20Von-Wun Soo [8] [9]
21Howard D. Wactlar [7] [11] [12]
22James Ze Wang [12] [15]
23Walter L. Warnick [6]
24Jaw Jium Yeh [8]
25Ya Zhang [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)