
P. Sinha

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4EEA. Joshi, V. Gavriloiu, A. Barua, A. Garabedian, P. Sinha, K. Khorasani: Intelligent and learning-based approaches for health monitoring and fault diagnosis of RADARSAT-1 attitude control system. SMC 2007: 3177-3183
3EES. Pandey, P. Prasad, P. Sinha, P. Agrawal: Localization of sensor networks considering energy accuracy tradeoffs. CollaborateCom 2005
2EEP. Samson, P. Sinha: Hardware Acceleration of Deadlock Avoidance and Detection in Real-Time Operating Systems. IWSOC 2005: 429-433
1 R. Hui, Nenad Kircanski, Andrew A. Goldenberg, Chin Zhou, P. Kuzan, J. Wiercienski, D. Gershon, P. Sinha: Design of the IRIS Facility - A Modular, Reconfigurable and Expandable Robot Test Bed. ICRA (3) 1993: 155-160

Coauthor Index

1P. Agrawal [3]
2A. Barua [4]
3A. Garabedian [4]
4V. Gavriloiu [4]
5D. Gershon [1]
6Andrew A. Goldenberg [1]
7R. Hui [1]
8A. Joshi [4]
9K. Khorasani [4]
10Nenad Kircanski [1]
11P. Kuzan [1]
12S. Pandey [3]
13P. Prasad [3]
14P. Samson [2]
15J. Wiercienski [1]
16Chin Zhou [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)