
K. Khorasani

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10EEA. Valdes, K. Khorasani: Dynamic Neural Network-Based Pulsed Plasma Thruster (PPT) Fault Detection and Isolation for Formation Flying of Satellites. ICIC (3) 2008: 310-321
9EEA. Valdes, K. Khorasani: Dynamic neural network-based Pulsed Plasma Thruster (PPT) fault detection and isolation for the attitude control system of a satellite. IJCNN 2008: 2689-2695
8EEF. Abdollahi, K. Khorasani: A novel Hinfinity control strategy for design of a robust dynamic routing algorithm in traffic networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 26(4): 706-718 (2008)
7EEA. Joshi, V. Gavriloiu, A. Barua, A. Garabedian, P. Sinha, K. Khorasani: Intelligent and learning-based approaches for health monitoring and fault diagnosis of RADARSAT-1 attitude control system. SMC 2007: 3177-3183
6EER. Mohammadi, Shahin Hashtrudi-Zad, K. Khorasani: A hybrid architecture for diagnosis in hybrid systems with applications to spacecraft propulsion system. SMC 2007: 3184-3190
5EEF. Abdollahi, K. Khorasani: Hinfinitys control design for uncertain linear systems with time-varying delays using LMI. SMC 2007: 52-57
4EEH. Azarnoush, K. Khorasani: Fault detection in spacecraft attitude control system. SMC 2007: 726-733
3EEZ. Su, K. Khorasani: A Neural Networks Controller for a Single-Link Flexible Manipulator Based on the Inverse Dynamics Structure. IJCNN (5) 2000: 311-316
2 M. R. Rokui, K. Khorasani: Experimental results on discrete-time nonlinear adaptive tracking control of a flexible-link manipulator. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 30(1): 151-164 (2000)
1EEW. Weng, K. Khorasani: An Adaptive Structure Neural Networks with Application to EEG Automatic Seizure Detection. Neural Networks 9(7): 1223-1240 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1F. Abdollahi [5] [8]
2H. Azarnoush [4]
3A. Barua [7]
4A. Garabedian [7]
5V. Gavriloiu [7]
6Shahin Hashtrudi-Zad [6]
7A. Joshi [7]
8R. Mohammadi [6]
9M. R. Rokui [2]
10P. Sinha [7]
11Z. Su [3]
12A. Valdes [9] [10]
13W. Weng [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)