
Dan Cristea

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15EEAdrian Iftene, Diana Trandabat, Ionut Pistol, Mihai Alex Moruz, Alexandra Balahur, Diana Cotelea, Iustin Dornescu, Iuliana Draghici, Dan Cristea: UAIC Romanian QA System for QA@CLEF. CLEF 2007: 336-343
14EELothar Lemnitzer, Cristina Vertan, Alex Killing, Kiril Ivanov Simov, Diane Evans, Dan Cristea, Paola Monachesi: Improving the Search for Learning Objects with Keywords and Ontologies. EC-TEL 2007: 202-216
13EEGeorgiana Puscasu, Adrian Iftene, Ionut Pistol, Diana Trandabat, Dan Tufis, Alin Ceausu, Dan Stefanescu, Radu Ion, Iustin Dornescu, Mihai Alex Moruz, Dan Cristea: Cross-Lingual Romanian to English Question Answering at CLEF 2006. CLEF 2006: 385-394
12 Dan Cristea, Corina Forascu, Ionut Pistol: Requirements-Driven Automatic Configuration of Natural Language Applications. NLUCS 2006: 47-56
11EEDan Cristea, Corina Forascu: Linguistic Resources and Technologies for Romanian Language. The Computer Science Journal of Moldova 14(1): 34-73 (2006)
10EEDan Cristea, Oana Postolache, Ionut Pistol: Summarisation Through Discourse Structure. CICLing 2005: 632-644
9 Dan Cristea: Motivations And Implications Of Veins Theory. NLUCS 2005: 32-44
8 Dan Cristea, Nancy Ide, Dan Tufis: The Semantic Web and Language Technology, Its Potential and Practicalities: EUROLAN-2003. AI Magazine 25(1): 107-108 (2004)
7EENancy Ide, Dan Cristea: A Hierarchical Account of Referential Accessibility. ACL 2000
6EEDan Cristea, Nancy Ide, Daniel Marcu, Valentin Tablan: An Empirical Investigation of the Relation Between Discourse Structure and Co-Reference. COLING 2000: 208-214
5EEDan Cristea: An Incremental Discourse Parser Architecture. Natural Language Processing 2000: 162-175
4 Dan Cristea, Nancy Ide, Laurent Romary: Veins Theory: A Model of Global Discourse Cohesion and Coherence. COLING-ACL 1998: 281-285
3 Dan Cristea, Bonnie L. Webber: Expectations in Incremental Discourse Processing. ACL 1997: 88-95
2EEDan Cristea, Bonnie L. Webber: Expectations in Incremental Discourse Processing CoRR cmp-lg/9708001: (1997)
1 Dan Tufis, Dan Cristea: IURES: A Human Engineering Approach to Natuarl Language. AIMSA 1984: 177-184

Coauthor Index

1Alexandra Balahur [15]
2Alin Ceausu [13]
3Diana Cotelea [15]
4Iustin Dornescu [13] [15]
5Iuliana Draghici [15]
6Diane Evans [14]
7Corina Forascu [11] [12]
8Nancy Ide [4] [6] [7] [8]
9Adrian Iftene [13] [15]
10Radu Ion [13]
11Alex Killing [14]
12Lothar Lemnitzer [14]
13Daniel Marcu [6]
14Paola Monachesi [14]
15Mihai Alex Moruz [13] [15]
16Ionut Pistol [10] [12] [13] [15]
17Oana Postolache [10]
18Georgiana Puscasu [13]
19Laurent Romary [4]
20Kiril Ivanov Simov [14]
21Dan Stefanescu [13]
22Valentin Tablan [6]
23Diana Trandabat [13] [15]
24Dan Tufis [1] [8] [13]
25Cristina Vertan [14]
26Bonnie L. Webber [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)