
Markus Schwiegershausen

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7EECarsten Reuter, Markus Schwiegershausen, Peter Pirsch: Heterogeneous Multiprocessor Scheduling and Allocation using Evolutionary Algorithms. ASAP 1997: 294-303
6 Tien-Toan Do, Holger Kropp, Markus Schwiegershausen, Peter Pirsch: Implementation of pipelined multipliers on Xilinx FPGAs. FPL 1997: 51-60
5EEMarkus Schwiegershausen, Peter Pirsch: A formal approach for the optimization of heterogeneous multiprocessors for complex image processing schemes. EURO-DAC 1995: 8-13
4EEMarkus Schwiegershausen, Peter Pirsch: A system level design methodology for the optimization of heterogeneous multiprocessors. ISSS 1995: 162-169
3EEMirjam Schönfeld, Jens Franzen, Markus Schwiegershausen, Peter Pirsch, Uwe Vehlies, Andreas Münzner: The LISA design environment for the synthesis of array processors including memories for the data transfer and fault tolerance by reconfiguration and coding techniques. VLSI Signal Processing 11(1-2): 51-74 (1995)
2 Mirjam Schönfeld, Markus Schwiegershausen, Peter Pirsch: Synthesis of intermediate memories for the data supply to processor arrays. Algorithms and Parallel VLSI Architectures 1991: 365-370
1 Mirjam Schönfeld, Markus Schwiegershausen, Peter Pirsch: Synthesis of Intermediate Memories needed for the Data Supply to Processor Arrays. VLSI 1991: 297-306

Coauthor Index

1Tien-Toan Do [6]
2Jens Franzen [3]
3Holger Kropp [6]
4Andreas Münzner [3]
5Peter Pirsch [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
6Carsten Reuter [7]
7Mirjam Schönfeld [1] [2] [3]
8Uwe Vehlies [3]

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