
Jens Franzen

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3EEMirjam Schönfeld, Jens Franzen, Markus Schwiegershausen, Peter Pirsch, Uwe Vehlies, Andreas Münzner: The LISA design environment for the synthesis of array processors including memories for the data transfer and fault tolerance by reconfiguration and coding techniques. VLSI Signal Processing 11(1-2): 51-74 (1995)
2 Klaus Gaedke, Jens Franzen, Peter Pirsch: A Fault-tolerant DCT-Architecture Based on Distributed Arithmetic. ISCAS 1993: 1583-1586
1EEJens Franzen: A design method for on-line reconfigurable array processors. VLSI Signal Processing 5(1): 21-35 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Klaus Gaedke [2]
2Andreas Münzner [3]
3Peter Pirsch [2] [3]
4Mirjam Schönfeld [3]
5Markus Schwiegershausen [3]
6Uwe Vehlies [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)