
Fabian Schwarzer

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10EEItay Lotan, Fabian Schwarzer: Approximation of Protein Structure for Fast Similarity Measures. Journal of Computational Biology 11(2/3): 299-317 (2004)
9EEItay Lotan, Fabian Schwarzer, Dan Halperin, Jean-Claude Latombe: Algorithm and Data Structures for Efficient Energy Maintenance during Monte Carlo Simulation of Proteins. Journal of Computational Biology 11(5): 902-932 (2004)
8EEFabian Schwarzer, Itay Lotan: Approximation of protein structure for fast similarity measures. RECOMB 2003: 267-276
7EEItay Lotan, Fabian Schwarzer, Jean-Claude Latombe: Efficient Energy Computation for Monte Carlo Simulation of Proteins. WABI 2003: 354-373
6EEItay Lotan, Fabian Schwarzer, Dan Halperin, Jean-Claude Latombe: Efficient maintenance and self-collision testing for Kinematic Chains. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2002: 43-52
5EEFabian Schwarzer, Achim Schweikard: On the complexity of one-shot translational separability. Inf. Process. Lett. 83(4): 187-194 (2002)
4 Fabian Schwarzer, Achim Schweikard: C-space Cell Defragmentation for General Translational Assembly Planning. ICRA 2001: 1537-1542
3EEFabian Schwarzer, Achim Schweikard, Leo Joskowicz: Efficient Linear Unboundedness Testing: Algorithm and Applications to Translational Assembly Planning. I. J. Robotic Res. 19(9): 817-834 (2000)
2EEMichael Klupsch, Maximilian Lückenhaus, Christoph Zierl, Ivan Laptev, Thorsten Bandlow, Marc Grimme, Ignaz Kellerer, Fabian Schwarzer: Agilo RoboCuppers: RoboCup Team Description. RoboCup 1998: 446-451
1EEAchim Schweikard, Fabian Schwarzer: Detecting Geometric Infeasibility. Artif. Intell. 105(1-2): 139-159 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Thorsten Bandlow [2]
2Marc Grimme [2]
3Dan Halperin [6] [9]
4Leo Joskowicz [3]
5Ignaz Kellerer [2]
6Michael Klupsch [2]
7Ivan Laptev [2]
8Jean-Claude Latombe [6] [7] [9]
9Itay Lotan [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
10Maximilian Lückenhaus [2]
11Achim Schweikard [1] [3] [4] [5]
12Christoph Zierl [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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