
Christian Hoymann

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5EEChristian Hoymann, Jan Ellenbeck, Ralf Pabst, Marc Schinnenburg: Evaluation of Grouping Strategies for an Hierarchical SDMA/TDMA Scheduling Process. ICC 2007: 5616-5621
4EEChristian Hoymann, Benedikt Wolz: Adaptive Space-Time Sectorization for Interference Reduction in Smart Antenna Enhanced Cellular WiMAX Networks. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5
3EELars Berlemann, Christian Hoymann, Guido R. Hiertz, Stefan Mangold: Coexistence and Interworking of IEEE 802.16 and IEEE 802.11(e). VTC Spring 2006: 27-31
2EEChristian Hoymann: Analysis and performance evaluation of the OFDM-based metropolitan area network IEEE 802.16. Computer Networks 49(3): 341-363 (2005)
1EEGeorg Schneider, Christian Hoymann, Stuart Goose: Adhoc Personal Ubiquitous Multimedia Services Via Upnp. ICME 2001

Coauthor Index

1Lars Berlemann [3]
2Jan Ellenbeck [5]
3Stuart Goose [1]
4Guido R. Hiertz [3]
5Stefan Mangold [3]
6Ralf Pabst [5]
7Marc Schinnenburg [5]
8Georg Schneider [1]
9Benedikt Wolz [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)