
Jay G. Cooprider

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8 Sue Newell, Gary David, Traci Logan, Linda F. Edelman, Jay G. Cooprider: Critical Success Factors. ICEIS (1) 2005: 238-247
7EEJay G. Cooprider: Considering the IS-Business Relationship: A Measurement Approach. HICSS 2004
6 Kay M. Nelson, Jay G. Cooprider: The Relationship of Software System Flexibility to Software System and Team Performance. ICIS 2001: 23-32
5EESteve Sawyer, Jay G. Cooprider, Robert D. Galliers, Michael Gallivan, Bonnie Kaplan: Using multiple methods in studying information systems (panel session): some experiences. ICIS 1997: 518-519
4 Patricia J. Guinan, Jay G. Cooprider, Steve Sawyer: The Effective Use of Automated Application Development Tools. IBM Systems Journal 36(1): 124-139 (1997)
3EEKay M. Nelson, Jay G. Cooprider: The Contribution of Shared Knowledge to IS Group Performance. MIS Quarterly 20(4): (1996)
2 Jay G. Cooprider, Kay M. Victor: The Contribution of Shared Knowledge to IS Group Performance. ICIS 1993: 285-299
1 Patricia J. Guinan, G. Nicholas Hopkins, Jay G. Cooprider: Automation of the Applications Development Life Cycle: Measuring the Value Added. ICIS 1992: 255

Coauthor Index

1Gary David [8]
2Linda F. Edelman [8]
3Robert D. Galliers [5]
4Michael Gallivan [5]
5Patricia J. Guinan [1] [4]
6G. Nicholas Hopkins [1]
7Bonnie Kaplan [5]
8Traci Logan [8]
9Kay M. Nelson [3] [6]
10Sue Newell [8]
11Steve Sawyer [4] [5]
12Kay M. Victor [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)