
Bonnie Kaplan

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9EEBonnie Kaplan, Peter L. Elkin, Paul N. Gorman, Ross Koppel, Frank Sites, Jan Talmon: Virtual Patients. Virtuality and Virtualization 2007: 397-401
8 Bonnie Kaplan, Lynette Kvasny, Steve Sawyer, Eileen M. Trauth: New Words and Old Books: Challenging Conventional Discourses about Domain and Theory in Information Systems Research. Global and Organizational Discourse about Information Technology 2002: 539-545
7 Bonnie Kaplan, Jonathan Liebenau, Michael D. Myers, Eleanor Wynn: Learning and Teaching Qualitative Research: A View from the Reference Disciplines of Anthropology and History. Organizational and Social Perspectives on IT 2000: 511-516
6 Jos Aarts, Els Goorman, Heather Heathfield, Bonnie Kaplan: Successful Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of Information Systems: Does Healthcare Serve as a Model for Networked Organizations?. Organizational and Social Perspectives on IT 2000: 517-520
5 Bonnie Kaplan, Ramesh Farzanfar, Robert H. Freeman: Research and Ethical Issues Arising from Ethnographic Interviews of Patients' Reactions to an Intelligent Interactive Telephone Health Behavior Advisor. New Information Technologies in Organizational Processes 1999: 67-78
4EESteve Sawyer, Jay G. Cooprider, Robert D. Galliers, Michael Gallivan, Bonnie Kaplan: Using multiple methods in studying information systems (panel session): some experiences. ICIS 1997: 518-519
3EEJames G. Anderson, Carolyn E. Aydin, Bonnie Kaplan: An analytical framework for measuring the effectiveness/impacts of computer-based patient record systems. HICSS (4) 1995: 767-776
2 Lynda Davies, Michael Newman, Bonnie Kaplan: A Workshop on Two Techniques for Qualitative Analysis: Interviewing and Evaluation. ICIS 1993: 399
1 Bonnie Kaplan, Dennis Duchon: Job-Related Responses to a Clinical Laboratory Computer Information System Seven Months Post Implementation. HCI (1) 1987: 17-24

Coauthor Index

1Jos Aarts [6]
2James G. Anderson [3]
3Carolyn E. Aydin [3]
4Jay G. Cooprider [4]
5Lynda Davies [2]
6Dennis Duchon [1]
7Peter L. Elkin [9]
8Ramesh Farzanfar [5]
9Robert H. Freeman [5]
10Robert D. Galliers [4]
11Michael Gallivan [4]
12Els Goorman [6]
13Paul N. Gorman [9]
14Heather Heathfield [6]
15Ross Koppel [9]
16Lynette Kvasny [8]
17Jonathan Liebenau [7]
18Michael D. Myers [7]
19Michael Newman [2]
20Steve Sawyer [4] [8]
21Frank Sites [9]
22Jan Talmon [9]
23Eileen M. Trauth [8]
24Eleanor Wynn [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)