
Lina Khatib

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28 Robert A. Morris, John Gasch, Lina Khatib, Steven Covington: Local Search for Optimal Global Map Generation Using Mid-Decadal Landsat Images. AAAI 2008: 1706-1711
27EELina Khatib, Paul H. Morris, Robert Morris, Francesca Rossi, Alessandro Sperduti, Kristen Brent Venable: Solving and learning a tractable class of soft temporal constraints: Theoretical and experimental results. AI Commun. 20(3): 181-209 (2007)
26 Jeremy Frank, James Crawford, Lina Khatib, Ronen I. Brafman: Tractable Optimal Competitive Scheduling. ICAPS 2006: 73-82
25EEPaul H. Morris, Robert A. Morris, Lina Khatib, Sailesh Ramakrishnan, Andrew Bachmann: Strategies for Global Optimization of Temporal Preferences. CP 2004: 408-422
24 Lina Khatib, Paul H. Morris, Robert A. Morris, Kristen Brent Venable: Tractable Pareto Optimization of Temporal Preferences. IJCAI 2003: 1289-1294
23EEFrancesca Rossi, Alessandro Sperduti, Kristen Brent Venable, Lina Khatib, Paul H. Morris, Robert A. Morris: Learning and Solving Soft Temporal Constraints: An Experimental Study. CP 2002: 249-263
22EELina Khatib, Paul H. Morris, Robert A. Morris: Pareto Optimization of Temporal Decisions. SARA 2002: 116-125
21 Lina Khatib, Paul H. Morris, Robert A. Morris, Francesca Rossi: Temporal Constraint Reasoning With Preferences. IJCAI 2001: 322-327
20EELina Khatib, Nicola Muscettola, Klaus Havelund: Mapping Temporal Planning Constraints into Timed Automata. TIME 2001: 21-27
19EEFrancesca Rossi, Alessandro Sperduti, Lina Khatib, Paul H. Morris, Robert A. Morris: Learning preferences on temporal constraints: a preliminary report. TIME 2001: 63-68
18 Lorraine M. Fesq, Ella M. Atkins, Lina Khatib, Charles Pecheur, Paul R. Cohen, Lynn Andrea Stein, Michael van Lent, John E. Laird, Alessandro Provetti, Tran Cao Son: AAAI 2001 Spring Symposium Series Reports. AI Magazine 22(3): 117-122 (2001)
17 Robert Morris, Lina Khatib: General Temporal Knowledge for Planning and Data Mining. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 33(1): 1-19 (2001)
16EELina Khatib, Nicola Muscettola, Klaus Havelund: Verification of Plan Models Using UPPAAL. FAABS 2000: 114-122
15 Robert A. Morris, Lina Khatib: Introduction to the Special issue on Time and Temporal Reasoning. Computational Intelligence 16(2): 135-136 (2000)
14 Robert A. Morris, Lina Khatib: Constraint Reasoning about Repeating Events: Satisfaction and Optimization. Computational Intelligence 16(2): 257-278 (2000)
13 Rattana Wetprasit, Abdul Sattar, Lina Khatib: Representation and Reasoning with Multi-Point Events. Constraints 5(3): 211-249 (2000)
12EELina Khatib, Robert A. Morris: Generating Scenarios for Periodic Events with Binary Constraints. TIME 1999: 67-72
11EERobert A. Morris, Lina Khatib: Optimization in Constraint Reasoning about Repeating Events. TIME 1999: 82-87
10 Robert Morris, Lina Khatib: Introduction to the special issue on time and temporal reasoning. J. Exp. Theor. Artif. Intell. 11(1): 1-2 (1999)
9EERobert A. Morris, Lina Khatib: Quantitative Structural Temporal Constraints on Repeating Events. TIME 1998: 74-80
8 Rattana Wetprasit, Abdul Sattar, Lina Khatib: A Generalized Framework for Reasoning with Multi-Point Events. ASIAN 1997: 121-135
7EERobert A. Morris, Lina Khatib: Entities and Relations for Historical Relational Databases. TIME 1997: 180-186
6EEJuan Jose Blanco, Lina Khatib: Enhancements to the Ground Processing Scheduling System. TIME 1997: 72-77
5 Rattana Wetprasit, Abdul Sattar, Lina Khatib: Reasoning with Multi-Point Events. Canadian Conference on AI 1996: 26-40
4 Rattana Wetprasit, Abdul Sattar, Lina Khatib: Reasoning with Sequences of Point Events. TIME 1996
3 Robert A. Morris, William D. Shoaff, Lina Khatib: Domain-Independent Temporal Reasoning with Recurring Events. Computational Intelligence 12: 450-477 (1996)
2EERobert A. Morris, William D. Shoaff, Lina Khatib: An Algebraic Formulation of Temporal Knowledge for Reasoning about Recurring Events. TIME 1994: 29-34
1 Robert A. Morris, William D. Shoaff, Lina Khatib: Path Consistency in a Network of Non-Convex Intervals. IJCAI 1993: 655-661

Coauthor Index

1Ella M. Atkins [18]
2Andrew Bachmann [25]
3Juan Jose Blanco [6]
4Ronen I. Brafman [26]
5Paul R. Cohen [18]
6Steven Covington [28]
7James Crawford [26]
8Lorraine M. Fesq [18]
9Jeremy Frank [26]
10John Gasch [28]
11Klaus Havelund [16] [20]
12John E. Laird [18]
13Michael van Lent [18]
14Paul H. Morris [19] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [27]
15Robert Morris [10] [17] [27]
16Robert A. Morris [1] [2] [3] [7] [9] [11] [12] [14] [15] [19] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [28]
17Nicola Muscettola [16] [20]
18Charles Pecheur [18]
19Alessandro Provetti [18]
20Sailesh Ramakrishnan [25]
21Francesca Rossi [19] [21] [23] [27]
22Abdul Sattar [4] [5] [8] [13]
23William D. Shoaff [1] [2] [3]
24Tran Cao Son [18]
25Alessandro Sperduti [19] [23] [27]
26Lynn Andrea Stein [18]
27Kristen Brent Venable (Kristen B. Venable) [23] [24] [27]
28Rattana Wetprasit [4] [5] [8] [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)