
Javier Sedano

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5EEJosé Ramón Villar, Enrique A. de la Cal, Javier Sedano: Minimizing Energy Consumption in Heating Systems under Uncertainty. HAIS 2008: 583-590
4EEAndrés Bustillo, Javier Sedano, José Ramón Villar, Leticia Curiel, Emilio Corchado: AI for Modelling the Laser Milling of Copper Components. IDEAL 2008: 498-507
3EEJosé Ramón Villar, Enrique A. de la Cal, Javier Sedano: Energy Saving by Means of Fuzzy Systems. IDEAL 2007: 155-167
2EEJuan Quemada, Tomás de Miguel, Santiago Pavón, Gabriel Huecas, Tomás Robles, Joaquín Salvachúa, Diego Andres Acosta Ortiz, Vicente Sirvent, Fernando Escribano, Javier Sedano: Isabel: an application for real time collaboration with a flexible floor control. CollaborateCom 2005
1EEJuan Quemada, Tomás de Miguel, Eva M. Castro, Santiago Pavón, Gabriel Huecas, Tomás Robles, Joaquín Salvachúa, Elena Apolinario, Javier Sedano, María José Perea: Isabel Distribution of the Madrid Global IPv6 Summit 2002. SAINT Workshops 2003: 200-203

Coauthor Index

1Elena Apolinario [1]
2Andrés Bustillo [4]
3Enrique A. de la Cal [3] [5]
4Eva M. Castro [1]
5Emilio Corchado [4]
6Leticia Curiel [4]
7Fernando Escribano [2]
8Gabriel Huecas [1] [2]
9Tomás de Miguel [1] [2]
10Diego Andres Acosta Ortiz [2]
11Santiago Pavón [1] [2]
12María José Perea [1]
13Juan Quemada [1] [2]
14Tomás Robles [1] [2]
15Joaquín Salvachúa [1] [2]
16Vicente Sirvent [2]
17José Ramón Villar [3] [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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