
Jocelyn Sérot

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25EEJoel Falcou, Jocelyn Sérot, Lucien Pech, Jean-Thierry Lapresté: Meta-programming Applied to Automatic SMP Parallelization of Linear Algebra Code. Euro-Par 2008: 729-738
24EEJocelyn Sérot, Joel Falcou: Functional Meta-programming for Parallel Skeletons. ICCS (1) 2008: 154-163
23EEFabio Dias, François Berry, Jocelyn Sérot, François Marmoiton: A Configurable Window-Based Processing Element for Image Processing on Smart Cameras. MVA 2007: 276-280
22 Joel Falcou, Jocelyn Sérot: Formal Semantics Applied to the Implementation of a Skeleton-Based Parallel Programming Library. PARCO 2007: 243-252
21EEKevin Hammond, Christian Ferdinand, Reinhold Heckmann, Roy Dyckhoff, Martin Hofmann, Steffen Jost, Hans-Wolfgang Loidl, Greg Michaelson, Robert F. Pointon, Norman Scaife, Jocelyn Sérot, Andy Wallace: Towards Formally Verifiable WCET Analysis for a Functional Programming Language. WCET 2006
20EEJoel Falcou, Jocelyn Sérot, Thierry Chateau, Jean-Thierry Lapresté: Quaff: efficient C++ design for parallel skeletons. Parallel Computing 32(7-8): 604-615 (2006)
19 Joel Falcou, Jocelyn Sérot, Thierry Chateau, Frédéric Jurie: A Parallel Implementation of a 3D Reconstruction Algorithm for Real-Time Vision. PARCO 2005: 663-670
18 Kevin Hammond, Roy Dyckhoff, Christian Ferdinand, Reinhold Heckmann, Martin Hofmann, Steffen Jost, Hans-Wolfgang Loidl, Greg Michaelson, Robert F. Pointon, Norman Scaife, Jocelyn Sérot, Andy Wallace: The Embounded project (project start paper). Trends in Functional Programming 2005: 195-210
17EEJoel Falcou, Jocelyn Sérot: EVE, an Object Oriented SIMD Library. International Conference on Computational Science 2004: 314-321
16EEGreg Michaelson, Kevin Hammond, Jocelyn Sérot: FSM-Hume: programming resource-limited systems using bounded automata. SAC 2004: 1455-1461
15EEP. A. Revenga, Jocelyn Sérot, José Luis Lázaro, Jean-Pierre Dérutin: A Beowulf-Class Architecture Proposal for Real-Time Embedded Vision. IPDPS 2003: 232
14 Joel Falcou, Jocelyn Sérot: CamlG4 : une bibliothèque de calcul parallèle pour Objective Caml. JFLA 2003: 139-152
13 Greg Michaelson, Kevin Hammond, Jocelyn Sérot: FSM-Hume is finite state. Trends in Functional Programming 2003: 19-28
12EEÁlvaro Hernández, Jesús Ureña, Daniel Hernanz, Juan Jesús García, Manuel Mazo, Jean-Pierre Dérutin, Jocelyn Sérot, Sira E. Palazuelos: Real-time implementation of an efficient Golay correlator (EGC) applied to ultrasonic sensorial systems. Microprocessors and Microsystems 27(8): 397-406 (2003)
11EEJocelyn Sérot, Dominique Ginhac: Skeletons for parallel image processing: an overview of the SKIPPER project. Parallel Computing 28(12): 1685-1708 (2002)
10EERémi Coudarcher, Jocelyn Sérot, Jean-Pierre Dérutin: Implementation of a Skeleton-Based Parallel Programming Environment Supporting Arbitrary Nesting. HIPS 2001: 71-85
9 Rémi Coudarcher, Jocelyn Sérot, Jean-Pierre Dérutin: Implementation of a Skeleton-based Parallel Programming Environment Supporting Arbitrary Nesting. IPDPS 2001: 104
8EEJocelyn Sérot, Dominique Ginhac, Roland Chapuis, Jean-Pierre Dérutin: Fast prototyping of parallel-vision applications using functional skeletons. Mach. Vis. Appl. 12(6): 271-290 (2001)
7 Jocelyn Sérot: Tagged-Token Data-Flow for Skeletons. Parallel Processing Letters 11(4): 377-392 (2001)
6 Jocelyn Sérot: CAMLFLOW: a CAML to data-flow graph translator. Scottish Functional Programming Workshop 2000: 129-144
5EEJocelyn Sérot, Dominique Ginhac, Jean-Pierre Dérutin: SKiPPER: A Skeleton-Based Parallel Programming Environment for Real-Time Image Processing Applications. PaCT 1999: 296-305
4EEDominique Ginhac, Jocelyn Sérot, Jean-Pierre Dérutin: Fast Prototyping of Image Processing Applications Using Functional Skeletons on a MIMD-DM Architecture. MVA 1998: 468-471
3 Jocelyn Sérot: Embodying Parallel Functional Skeletons: An Experimental Implementation on Top of MPI. Euro-Par 1997: 629-633
2 Jocelyn Sérot, Georges Quénot, Bertrand Zavidovique: A Visual Dataflow Programming Environment for a Real Time Parallel Vision Machine. J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 6(4): 327-347 (1995)
1 Jocelyn Sérot, Georges Quénot, Bertrand Zavidovique: A Functional Data-flow Architecture Dedicated to Real-time Image Processing. Architectures and Compilation Techniques for Fine and Medium Grain Parallelism 1993: 129-140

Coauthor Index

1François Berry [23]
2Roland Chapuis [8]
3Thierry Chateau [19] [20]
4Rémi Coudarcher [9] [10]
5Jean-Pierre Dérutin [4] [5] [8] [9] [10] [12] [15]
6Fabio Dias [23]
7Roy Dyckhoff [18] [21]
8Joel Falcou [14] [17] [19] [20] [22] [24] [25]
9Christian Ferdinand [18] [21]
10Juan Jesús García [12]
11Dominique Ginhac [4] [5] [8] [11]
12Kevin Hammond [13] [16] [18] [21]
13Reinhold Heckmann [18] [21]
14Álvaro Hernández [12]
15Daniel Hernanz [12]
16Martin Hofmann [18] [21]
17Steffen Jost [18] [21]
18Frédéric Jurie [19]
19Jean-Thierry Lapresté [20] [25]
20José Luis Lázaro [15]
21Hans-Wolfgang Loidl [18] [21]
22François Marmoiton [23]
23Manuel Mazo [12]
24Greg Michaelson [13] [16] [18] [21]
25Sira E. Palazuelos [12]
26Lucien Pech [25]
27Robert F. Pointon [18] [21]
28Georges Quénot [1] [2]
29P. A. Revenga [15]
30Norman Scaife [18] [21]
31Jesús Ureña [12]
32Andy Wallace [18] [21]
33Bertrand Zavidovique [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)