
Fabio Dias

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3EEFabio Dias, François Berry, Jocelyn Sérot, François Marmoiton: A Configurable Window-Based Processing Element for Image Processing on Smart Cameras. MVA 2007: 276-280
2EEJean-Pierre Dérutin, Fabio Dias, Lionel Damez, Nicolas Allezard: SIMD, SMP and MIMD-DM Parallel Approaches for Real-Time 2D Image Stabilization. CAMP 2005: 73-80
1EEFabio Dias, Jean-Pierre Dérutin, Lionel Damez: Real-time 2D Image Stabilization: Algorithmical Aspects and Parallel Implementation. MVA 2005: 227-232

Coauthor Index

1Nicolas Allezard [2]
2François Berry [3]
3Lionel Damez [1] [2]
4Jean-Pierre Dérutin [1] [2]
5François Marmoiton [3]
6Jocelyn Sérot [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)