2008 |
45 | EE | Gudmund Grov,
Robert F. Pointon,
Greg Michaelson,
Andrew Ireland:
Preserving coordination properties when transforming concurrent system components.
SAC 2008: 126-127 |
44 | EE | Abdallah Al Zain,
Philip W. Trinder,
Greg Michaelson,
Hans-Wolfgang Loidl:
Evaluating a High-Level Parallel Language (GpH) for Computational GRIDs.
IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 19(2): 219-233 (2008) |
43 | EE | W. Paul Cockshott,
Lewis Mackenzie,
Greg Michaelson:
Physical constraints on hypercomputation.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 394(3): 159-174 (2008) |
2007 |
42 | EE | Xiao Yan Deng,
Greg Michaelson,
Philip W. Trinder:
Automatically Costed Autonomous Mobility.
IAT 2007: 95-101 |
41 | EE | Gudmund Grov,
Greg Michaelson,
Andrew Ireland:
Formal verification of concurrent scheduling strategies using TLA.
ICPADS 2007: 1-6 |
40 | EE | Armelle Bonenfant,
Zezhi Chen,
Kevin Hammond,
Greg Michaelson,
Andrew M. Wallace,
Iain Wallace:
Towards resource-certified software: a formal cost model for time and its application to an image-processing example.
SAC 2007: 1307-1314 |
39 | EE | W. Paul Cockshott,
Greg Michaelson:
Are There New Models of Computation? Reply to Wegner and Eberbach.
Comput. J. 50(2): 232-247 (2007) |
38 | EE | Greg Michaelson:
Inductive Synthesis of Functional Programs by U. Schmid, Springer Verlag, 2003, 420pp, ISBN 3540401741.
J. Funct. Program. 17(3): 428-429 (2007) |
2006 |
37 | EE | Greg Michaelson,
W. Paul Cockshott:
Constraints on Hypercomputation.
CiE 2006: 378-387 |
36 | EE | Xiao Yan Deng,
Philip W. Trinder,
Greg Michaelson:
Autonomous Mobile Programs.
IAT 2006: 177-186 |
35 | EE | Kevin Hammond,
Gudmund Grov,
Greg Michaelson,
Andrew Ireland:
Low-Level Programming in Hume: An Exploration of the HW-Hume Level.
IFL 2006: 91-107 |
34 | EE | Kevin Hammond,
Christian Ferdinand,
Reinhold Heckmann,
Roy Dyckhoff,
Martin Hofmann,
Steffen Jost,
Hans-Wolfgang Loidl,
Greg Michaelson,
Robert F. Pointon,
Norman Scaife,
Jocelyn Sérot,
Andy Wallace:
Towards Formally Verifiable WCET Analysis for a Functional Programming Language.
WCET 2006 |
33 | EE | W. Paul Cockshott,
Greg Michaelson:
Orthogonal parallel processing in vector Pascal.
Computer Languages, Systems & Structures 32(1): 2-41 (2006) |
32 | EE | Xiao Yan Deng,
Greg Michaelson,
Philip W. Trinder:
Autonomous mobility skeletons.
Parallel Computing 32(7-8): 463-478 (2006) |
2005 |
31 | | Clemens Grelck,
Frank Huch,
Greg Michaelson,
Philip W. Trinder:
Implementation and Application of Functional Languages, 16th International Workshop, IFL 2004, Lübeck, Germany, September 8-10, 2004, Revised Selected Papers
Springer 2005 |
30 | EE | Abdallah Al Zain,
Philip W. Trinder,
Hans-Wolfgang Loidl,
Greg Michaelson:
Managing Heterogeneity in a Grid Parallel Haskell.
International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2005: 746-754 |
29 | EE | Norman Scaife,
Greg Michaelson,
Susumu Horiguchi:
Empirical Parallel Performance Prediction from Semantics-Based Profiling.
International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2005: 781-789 |
28 | | Kevin Hammond,
Roy Dyckhoff,
Christian Ferdinand,
Reinhold Heckmann,
Martin Hofmann,
Steffen Jost,
Hans-Wolfgang Loidl,
Greg Michaelson,
Robert F. Pointon,
Norman Scaife,
Jocelyn Sérot,
Andy Wallace:
The Embounded project (project start paper).
Trends in Functional Programming 2005: 195-210 |
27 | EE | Andrew Cook,
Andrew Ireland,
Greg Michaelson,
Norman Scaife:
Discovering applications of higher order functions through proof planning.
Formal Asp. Comput. 17(1): 38-57 (2005) |
26 | EE | Norman Scaife,
Susumu Horiguchi,
Greg Michaelson,
Paul Bristow:
A parallel SML compiler based on algorithmic skeletons.
J. Funct. Program. 15(4): 615-650 (2005) |
2004 |
25 | | Philip W. Trinder,
Greg Michaelson,
Ricardo Pena:
Implementation of Functional Languages, 15th International Workshop, IFL 2003, Edinburgh, UK, September 8-11, 2003, Revised Papers
Springer 2004 |
24 | EE | Greg Michaelson,
Kevin Hammond,
Jocelyn Sérot:
FSM-Hume: programming resource-limited systems using bounded automata.
SAC 2004: 1455-1461 |
2003 |
23 | EE | Kevin Hammond,
Greg Michaelson:
The Design of Hume: A High-Level Language for the Real-Time Embedded Systems Domain.
Domain-Specific Program Generation 2003: 127-142 |
22 | EE | Kevin Hammond,
Greg Michaelson:
Hume: A Domain-Specific Language for Real-Time Embedded Systems.
GPCE 2003: 37-56 |
21 | | Greg Michaelson,
Kevin Hammond,
Jocelyn Sérot:
FSM-Hume is finite state.
Trends in Functional Programming 2003: 19-28 |
20 | EE | Hans-Wolfgang Loidl,
Fernando Rubio,
Norman Scaife,
Kevin Hammond,
Susumu Horiguchi,
Ulrike Klusik,
Rita Loogen,
Greg Michaelson,
Ricardo Pena,
Steffen Priebe,
Álvaro J. Rebón Portillo,
Philip W. Trinder:
Comparing Parallel Functional Languages: Programming and Performance
Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation 16(3): 203-251 (2003) |
2002 |
19 | EE | Nestor Miliaev,
Alison Cawsey,
Greg Michaelson:
Technical Documentation: An Integrated Architecture for Supporting the Author in Generation and Resource Editing.
AIMSA 2002: 122-131 |
18 | EE | Kevin Hammond,
Greg Michaelson:
Predictable Space Behaviour in FSM-Hume.
IFL 2002: 1-16 |
17 | EE | Yang Jun,
Greg Michaelson,
Philip W. Trinder:
Explaining Polymorphic Types.
Comput. J. 45(4): 436-452 (2002) |
2001 |
16 | EE | Andrew Cook,
Andrew Ireland,
Greg Michaelson:
Higher Order Function Synthesis Through Proof Planning.
ASE 2001: 307-310 |
15 | EE | Norman Scaife,
Greg Michaelson,
Susumu Horiguchi:
Comparative Cross-Platform Performance Results from a Parallelizing SML Compiler.
IFL 2001: 138-154 |
2000 |
14 | | Philip W. Trinder,
Greg Michaelson,
Hans-Wolfgang Loidl:
Selected papers from the 1st Scottish Functional Programming Workshop (SFP99), University of Stirling, Bridge of Allan, Scotland, August 29th to September 1st, 1999
Intellect 2000 |
13 | | Yang Jung,
Greg Michaelson:
A visualisation of polymorphic type checking.
J. Funct. Program. 10(1): 57-75 (2000) |
1998 |
12 | EE | Andrew M. Wallace,
Greg Michaelson,
Norman Scaife,
W. J. Austin:
A Dual Source, Parallel Architecture for Computer Vision.
The Journal of Supercomputing 12(1-2): 37-56 (1998) |
1997 |
11 | EE | Sandra P. Foubister,
Greg Michaelson,
N. Tomes:
Automatic assessment of elementary Standard ML programs using Ceilidh.
J. Comp. Assisted Learning 13(2): 99-108 (1997) |
1996 |
10 | EE | Greg Michaelson:
Automatic Analysis Of Functional Program Style.
ASYNC 1996: 38-46 |
9 | EE | Greg Michaelson:
Automatic Analysis Of Functional Program Style.
Australian Software Engineering Conference 1996: 38-46 |
1995 |
8 | | Greg Michaelson,
Norman Scaife:
Prototyping a Parallel Vision System in Standard ML.
J. Funct. Program. 5(3): 345-382 (1995) |
1994 |
7 | | Greg Michaelson:
Women and Men in Computer Cartoons from Punch: 1946 to 1982.
Woman, Work and Computerization 1994: 171-184 |
1993 |
6 | | Greg Michaelson,
Tore Bratvold,
David Busvine,
K. G. Waugh:
Parallel Implementations from Functional Prototype Instrumentation.
PARCO 1993: 631-634 |
1992 |
5 | | Andrew M. Wallace,
Greg Michaelson,
P. McAndrew,
K. G. Waugh,
W. J. Austin:
Dynamic Control and Prototyping of Parallel Algorithms for Intermediate- and High-Level Vision.
IEEE Computer 25(2): 43-53 (1992) |
1990 |
4 | | D. Welch,
Greg Michaelson:
The Edinburgh Woman in Computing Workshops.
Woman into Computing 1990: 359-366 |
1989 |
3 | EE | Greg Michaelson:
Grammars and Implementation Independent Structure Representation.
POS 1989: 19-28 |
2 | EE | S. Hopkins,
Greg Michaelson,
Andrew M. Wallace:
Parallel imperative and functional approaches to visual scene labelling.
Image Vision Comput. 7(3): 178-193 (1989) |
1986 |
1 | | Greg Michaelson:
Interpreters From Functions and Grammars.
Comput. Lang. 11(2): 85-104 (1986) |