
François Marmoiton

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6EEFabio Dias, François Berry, Jocelyn Sérot, François Marmoiton: A Configurable Window-Based Processing Element for Image Processing on Smart Cameras. MVA 2007: 276-280
5 Jonathan Bom, Benoit Thuilot, François Marmoiton, Philippe Martinet: Nonlinear Control for Urban Vehicles Platooning, Relying upon a Unique Kinematic GPS. ICRA 2005: 4138-4143
4EEAzza Ouled Zaid, Christian Olivier, Olivier Alata, François Marmoiton: Transform image coding with global thresholding: Application to baseline JPEG. Pattern Recognition Letters 24(7): 959-964 (2003)
3 Azza Ouled Zaid, Christian Olivier, François Marmoiton: Wavelet image coding with adaptive dead-zone selection: application to JPEG2000. ICIP (3) 2002: 253-256
2EEAzza Ouled Zaid, Christian Olivier, Olivier Alata, François Marmoiton: Transform Image Coding with Global Thresholding: Application to Baseline JPEG. SIBGRAPI 2001: 164-171
1EERomuald Aufrère, François Marmoiton, Roland Chapuis, François Collange, Jean-Pierre Dérutin: Road Detection and Vehicle Tracking by Vision for Adaptive Cruise Control. I. J. Robotic Res. 20(4): 267-286 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Olivier Alata [2] [4]
2Romuald Aufrère [1]
3François Berry [6]
4Jonathan Bom [5]
5Roland Chapuis [1]
6François Collange [1]
7Jean-Pierre Dérutin [1]
8Fabio Dias [6]
9Philippe Martinet [5]
10Christian Olivier [2] [3] [4]
11Jocelyn Sérot [6]
12Benoit Thuilot [5]
13Azza Ouled Zaid [2] [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)