
Raul Sánchez-Reillo

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13EERaul Sánchez-Reillo, Raul Alonso-Moreno, Adam Czajka, Young-Bin Kwon: Automatic remote evaluation system for biometric testing. ICARCV 2008: 1137-1143
12EEBelen Fernandez-Saavedra, Raul Sánchez-Reillo, Raul Alonso-Moreno, Robert Mueller: Evaluation methodology for analyzing environment influence in biometrics. ICARCV 2008: 1342-1346
11EECarmen Sanchez-Avila, Raul Sánchez-Reillo: Two different approaches for iris recognition using Gabor filters and multiscale zero-crossing representation. Pattern Recognition 38(2): 231-240 (2005)
10EERaul Sánchez-Reillo, Judith Liu-Jimenez, Luis Entrena: Architectures for Biometric Match-on-Token Solutions. ECCV Workshop BioAW 2004: 195-204
9EECelia López-Ongil, Raul Sánchez-Reillo, Judith Liu-Jimenez, Fernando Casado, Leslie Sánchez, Luis Entrena: FPGA Implementation of Biometric Authentication System Based on Hand Geometry. FPL 2004: 43-53
8EEMichael G. Lorenz, Luis Mengibar, Luis Entrena, Raul Sánchez-Reillo: Data Processing System With Self-reconfigurable Architecture, for Low Cost, Low Power Applications. FPL 2003: 220-229
7EELuis Mengibar, Luis Entrena, Michael G. Lorenz, Raul Sánchez-Reillo: State Encoding for Low-Power FSMs in FPGA. PATMOS 2003: 31-40
6EERaul Sánchez-Reillo, Carmen Sanchez-Avila: Iris Recognition with Low Template Size. AVBPA 2001: 324-329
5EERaul Sánchez-Reillo, Carmen Sanchez-Avila: RBF Neural Networks for Hand-Based Biometric Recognition. AVBPA 2001: 330-335
4EERaul Sánchez-Reillo: Including Biometric Authentication in a Smart Card Operating System. AVBPA 2001: 342-347
3EERaul Sánchez-Reillo: Hand Geometry Pattern Recognition through Gaussian Mixture Modeling. ICPR 2000: 2937-2940
2EERaul Sánchez-Reillo, Carmen Sanchez-Avila, Ana González-Marcos: Biometric Identification through Hand Geometry Measurements. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 22(10): 1168-1171 (2000)
1EERaul Sánchez-Reillo, Carmen Sanchez-Avila, Ana González-Marcos: Multiresolution Analysis and Geometric Measures for Biometric Identification Systems. CQRE 1999: 251-

Coauthor Index

1Raul Alonso-Moreno [12] [13]
2Fernando Casado [9]
3Adam Czajka [13]
4Luis Entrena (Luis Entrena-Arrontes) [7] [8] [9] [10]
5Belen Fernandez-Saavedra [12]
6Ana González-Marcos [1] [2]
7Young-Bin Kwon [13]
8Judith Liu-Jimenez [9] [10]
9Celia López-Ongil (Celia López) [9]
10Michael G. Lorenz [7] [8]
11Luis Mengibar [7] [8]
12Robert Mueller [12]
13Leslie Sánchez [9]
14Carmen Sanchez-Avila [1] [2] [5] [6] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)