
Pau-Chen Cheng

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11EEYow Tzu Lim, Pau-Chen Cheng, Pankaj Rohatgi, John Andrew Clark: MLS security policy evolution with genetic programming. GECCO 2008: 1571-1578
10EEYow Tzu Lim, Pau-Chen Cheng, John Andrew Clark, Pankaj Rohatgi: Policy evolution with Genetic Programming: A comparison of three approaches. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2008: 1792-1800
9EEYow Tzu Lim, Pau-Chen Cheng, John Andrew Clark, Pankaj Rohatgi: Policy Evolution with Grammatical Evolution. SEAL 2008: 71-80
8EEPau-Chen Cheng, Pankaj Rohatgi, Claudia Keser, Paul A. Karger, Grant M. Wagner, Angela Schuett Reninger: Fuzzy Multi-Level Security: An Experiment on Quantified Risk-Adaptive Access Control. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2007: 222-230
7EEKang-Won Lee, Suresh Chari, Anees Shaikh, Sambit Sahu, Pau-Chen Cheng: Improving the resilience of content distribution networks to large scale distributed denial of service attacks. Computer Networks 51(10): 2753-2770 (2007)
6EESuresh Chari, Pau-Chen Cheng: BlueBoX: A policy-driven, host-based intrusion detection system. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. Secur. 6(2): 173-200 (2003)
5EESuresh Chari, Pau-Chen Cheng: BlueBox: A Policy-Driven, Host-Based Intrusion Detection System. NDSS 2002
4EEPau-Chen Cheng: An architecture for the Internet Key Exchange Protocol. IBM Systems Journal 40(3): 721-746 (2001)
3EERan Canetti, Pau-Chen Cheng, Frederique Giraud, Dimitrios E. Pendarakis, Josyula R. Rao, Pankaj Rohatgi, Debanjan Saha: An IPSec-based Host Architecture for Secure Internet Multicast. NDSS 2000
2 Pau-Chen Cheng, Juan A. Garay, Amir Herzberg, Hugo Krawczyk: A Security Architecture for the Internet Protocol. IBM Systems Journal 37(1): 42-60 (1998)
1 Pau-Chen Cheng, Juan A. Garay, Amir Herzberg, Hugo Krawczyk: Securing the Internet (Abstract). PODC 1995: 257

Coauthor Index

1Ran Canetti [3]
2Suresh Chari [5] [6] [7]
3John A. Clark (John Andrew Clark) [9] [10] [11]
4Juan A. Garay [1] [2]
5Frederique Giraud [3]
6Amir Herzberg [1] [2]
7Paul A. Karger [8]
8Claudia Keser [8]
9Hugo Krawczyk [1] [2]
10Kang-Won Lee [7]
11Yow Tzu Lim [9] [10] [11]
12Dimitrios E. Pendarakis [3]
13Josyula R. Rao [3]
14Angela Schuett Reninger (Angela Schuett) [8]
15Pankaj Rohatgi [3] [8] [9] [10] [11]
16Debanjan Saha [3]
17Sambit Sahu [7]
18Anees Shaikh [7]
19Grant M. Wagner [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)