1995 | ||
5 | Chris Moss: Logic and Objects (Tutorial Abstract). ILPS 1995: 609-611 | |
1991 | ||
4 | Chris Moss: Commercial Applications of Large Prolog Knowledge Bases. PDK 1991: 32-40 | |
3 | Harold Boley, Micha Meier, Chris Moss, Michael M. Richter, Andrei Voronkov: Declarative and Procedural Paradigms - Do they Really Compete? (Panel). PDK 1991: 383-398 | |
1990 | ||
2 | Chris Moss: Logic, Language and the Quest for Intelligence. ALPUK 1990: 208-226 | |
1986 | ||
1 | Chris Moss: Cut and Paste - defining the impure Primitives of Prolog. ICLP 1986: 686-694 |
1 | Harold Boley | [3] |
2 | Micha Meier | [3] |
3 | Michael M. Richter | [3] |
4 | Andrei Voronkov | [3] |