
Vinod Anupam

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14EEVinod Anupam, Richard Hull, Sarbmeet S. Kanwal, Bharat Kumar: An introduction to Lucent's service enhancement layer. Bell Labs Technical Journal 10(4): 179-196 (2006)
13EEKristin F. Kocan, William D. Roome, Vinod Anupam: Service capability interaction management in IMS using the Lucent Service BrokerTM product. Bell Labs Technical Journal 10(4): 217-232 (2006)
12EEKristin F. Kocan, William D. Roome, Vinod Anupam: A novel software approach for service brokering in advanced service architectures. Bell Labs Technical Journal 11(1): 5-20 (2006)
11EEVinod Anupam, Richard Hull, Bharat Kumar: Personalizing E-commerce applications with on-line heuristic decision making. WWW 2001: 296-307
10EEVinod Anupam, Juliana Freire, Bharat Kumar, Daniel F. Lieuwen: Automating Web navigation with the WebVCR. Computer Networks 33(1-6): 503-517 (2000)
9EEVinod Anupam, Yuri Breitbart, Juliana Freire, Bharat Kumar: Personalizing the Web Using Site Descriptions. DEXA Workshop 1999: 732-738
8EEVinod Anupam, David M. Kristol, Alain J. Mayer: A User's and Programmer's View of the New JavaScript Security Model. USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems 1999
7EEVinod Anupam, Alain J. Mayer, Kobbi Nissim, Benny Pinkas, Michael K. Reiter: On the Security of Pay-per-Click and Other Web Advertising Schemes. Computer Networks 31(11-16): 1091-1100 (1999)
6 Vinod Anupam, Alain J. Mayer: Secure Web Scripting. IEEE Internet Computing 2(6): 46-55 (1998)
5EEVinod Anupam, Shaul Dar, Ted Leibfried, Eric Petajan: Research report: DataSpace: 3-D visualizations of large databases. INFOVIS 1995: 82-89
4 Vinod Anupam, Chandrajit L. Bajaj, Daniel Schikore, Matthew Schikore: Distributed and Collaborative Visualization. IEEE Computer 27(7): 37-43 (1994)
3 Vinod Anupam, Chandrajit L. Bajaj: Shastra: Multimedia Collaborative Design Environment. IEEE MultiMedia 1(2): 39-49 (1994)
2 Vinod Anupam, Chandrajit L. Bajaj: SHASTRA - An Architecture for Development of Collaborative Applications. Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst. 3(2): 155-172 (1994)
1 Vinod Anupam, Chandrajit L. Bajaj: Collaborative Multimedia Scientific Design in SHASTRA. ACM Multimedia 1993: 447-456

Coauthor Index

1Chandrajit L. Bajaj [1] [2] [3] [4]
2Yuri Breitbart [9]
3Shaul Dar [5]
4Juliana Freire [9] [10]
5Richard Hull [11] [14]
6Sarbmeet S. Kanwal [14]
7Kristin F. Kocan [12] [13]
8David M. Kristol [8]
9Bharat Kumar [9] [10] [11] [14]
10Ted Leibfried [5]
11Daniel F. Lieuwen [10]
12Alain J. Mayer [6] [7] [8]
13Kobbi Nissim [7]
14Eric Petajan [5]
15Benny Pinkas [7]
16Michael K. Reiter [7]
17William D. Roome [12] [13]
18Daniel Schikore [4]
19Matthew Schikore [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)