21. WG 1995:
Manfred Nagl (Ed.):
Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, 21st International Workshop, WG '95, Aachen, Germany, June 20-22, 1995, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1017 Springer 1995, ISBN 3-540-60618-1 BibTeX
- Evangelos Kranakis, Danny Krizanc, Berthold Ruf, Jorge Urrutia, Gerhard J. Woeginger:
VC-Dimensions for Graphs (Extended Abstract).
1-13 BibTeX
- Ton Kloks, Dieter Kratsch, Haiko Müller:
Finding and Counting Small Induced Subgraphs Efficiently.
14-23 BibTeX
- Luitpold Babel, Stephan Olariu:
On the Isomorphism of Graphs with Few P4s.
24-36 BibTeX
- Daniele Giorgio Degiorgi, Klaus Simon:
A Dynamic Algorithm for Line Graph Recognition.
37-48 BibTeX
- Fabrizio d'Amore, Roberto Giaccio:
Incremental Hive Graph.
49-61 BibTeX
- Hristo Djidjev, Shankar M. Venkatesan:
Planarization of Graphs Embedded on Surfaces.
62-72 BibTeX
- Sven Oliver Krumke, Hartmut Noltemeier, S. S. Ravi, Madhav V. Marathe:
Complexity and Approximability of Certain Bicriteria Location Problems.
73-87 BibTeX
- Detlef Plump:
On Termination of Graph Rewriting.
88-100 BibTeX
- Michel Bauderon:
A Uniform Approach to Graph Rewriting: The Pullback Approach.
101-115 BibTeX
- F. David Fracchia:
Visualizing Two- and Three-Dimensional Models of Meristematic Growth.
116-130 BibTeX
- Sven Hartmann:
Graph-Theoretical Methods to Construct Entity-Relationship Databases.
131-145 BibTeX
- Ingo Schiermeyer:
An Approximation Algorithm for 3-Colourability.
146-151 BibTeX
- Sophie Fischer, Leen Torenvliet:
The Malleability of TSP_{2Opt}.
152-166 BibTeX
- Paola Alimonti:
Non-Oblivious Local Search for Grpah and Hyperpraph Coloring Problems.
167-180 BibTeX
- Hans L. Bodlaender, Richard B. Tan, Dimitrios M. Thilikos, Jan van Leeuwen:
On Interval Routing Schemes and Treewidth.
181-196 BibTeX
- Koichi Wada, Takaharu Ikeo, Kimio Kawaguchi, Wei Chen:
Highly Fault-Tolerant Routings and Diameter Vulnerability for Generalized Hypercube Graphs.
197-208 BibTeX
- Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide, Matthias Westermann:
Hot-Potato Routing on Multi-Dimensional Tori.
209-221 BibTeX
- Michele Flammini, Giorgio Gambosi, Sandro Salomone:
On Devising Boolean Routing Schemes.
222-236 BibTeX
- Barbara D. Birchler, Abdol-Hossein Esfahanian, Eric Torng:
Toward a General Theory of Unicast-Based Multicast Communication.
237-251 BibTeX
- José D. P. Rolim, Ondrej Sýkora, Imrich Vrto:
Optimal Cutwidths and Bisection Widths of 2- and 3-Dimensional Meshes.
252-264 BibTeX
- Peter Damaschke:
Searching for Faulty Leaves in Binary Trees.
265-274 BibTeX
- Zhi-Zhong Chen, Xin He:
NC Algorithms for Partitioning Planar Graphs into Induced Forests and Approximating NP-Hard Problems.
275-289 BibTeX
- Elias Dahlhaus:
Efficient Parallel Modular Decomposition (Extended Abstract).
290-302 BibTeX
- Paola Bonizzoni, Gianluca Della Vedova:
Modular Decomposition of Hypergraphs.
303-317 BibTeX
- John L. Pfaltz:
Partition Coefficients of Acyclic Graphs.
318-322 BibTeX
- Tadao Takaoka:
Sub-Cubic Cost Algorithms for the All Pairs Shortest Path Problem.
323-343 BibTeX
- Jitender S. Deogun, Dieter Kratsch:
Diametral Path Graphs.
344-357 BibTeX
- Philippe Galinier, Michel Habib, Christophe Paul:
Chordal Graphs and Their Clique Graphs.
358-371 BibTeX
- Jens Gustedt, Michel Morvan, Laurent Viennot:
A Compact Data Structure and Parallel Algorithms for Permutation Graphs.
372-380 BibTeX
- Andreas Brandstädt, Feodor F. Dragan, Falk Nicolai:
Homogeneously Orderable Graphs and the Steiner Tree Problem.
381-395 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:47:49 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)