
Jan Ramon

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45EELuc De Raedt, Jan Ramon: Deriving distance metrics from generality relations. Pattern Recognition Letters 30(3): 187-191 (2009)
44 Hendrik Blockeel, Jan Ramon, Jude W. Shavlik, Prasad Tadepalli: Inductive Logic Programming, 17th International Conference, ILP 2007, Corvallis, OR, USA, June 19-21, 2007, Revised Selected Papers Springer 2008
43 Marc J. V. Ponsen, Jan Ramon, Tom Croonenborghs, Kurt Driessens, Karl Tuyls: Bayes-Relational Learning of Opponent Models from Incomplete Information in No-Limit Poker. AAAI 2008: 1485-1486
42EEKurt De Grave, Jan Ramon, Luc De Raedt: Active Learning for High Throughput Screening. Discovery Science 2008: 185-196
41EELeander Schietgat, Jan Ramon, Maurice Bruynooghe, Hendrik Blockeel: An Efficiently Computable Graph-Based Metric for the Classification of Small Molecules. Discovery Science 2008: 197-209
40EELaura-Andreea Antanas, Kurt Driessens, Jan Ramon, Tom Croonenborghs: Using Decision Trees as the Answer Networks in Temporal Difference-Networks. ECAI 2008: 847-848
39EETamás Horváth, Jan Ramon: Efficient Frequent Connected Subgraph Mining in Graphs of Bounded Treewidth. ECML/PKDD (1) 2008: 520-535
38EEToon Calders, Jan Ramon, Dries Van Dyck: Anti-monotonic Overlap-Graph Support Measures. ICDM 2008: 73-82
37EEJan Ramon, Tom Croonenborghs, Daan Fierens, Hendrik Blockeel, Maurice Bruynooghe: Generalized ordering-search for learning directed probabilistic logical models. Machine Learning 70(2-3): 169-188 (2008)
36 Robby Goetschalckx, Jan Ramon: On Policy Learning in Restricted Policy Spaces. AAAI 2007: 1858-1859
35EEDaan Fierens, Jan Ramon, Maurice Bruynooghe, Hendrik Blockeel: Learning Directed Probabilistic Logical Models: Ordering-Search Versus Structure-Search. ECML 2007: 567-574
34EEJan Ramon, Kurt Driessens, Tom Croonenborghs: Transfer Learning in Reinforcement Learning Problems Through Partial Policy Recycling. ECML 2007: 699-707
33EETom Croonenborghs, Jan Ramon, Hendrik Blockeel, Maurice Bruynooghe: Online Learning and Exploiting Relational Models in Reinforcement Learning. IJCAI 2007: 726-731
32EEDaan Fierens, Jan Ramon, Maurice Bruynooghe, Hendrik Blockeel: Learning Directed Probabilistic Logical Models Using Ordering-Search. ILP 2007: 24
31EELeander Schietgat, Jan Ramon, Maurice Bruynooghe: A Polynomial-time Metric for Outerplanar Graphs. MLG 2007
30EEJan Ramon, Siegfried Nijssen: General Graph Refinement with Polynomial Delay. MLG 2007
29EEJan Ramon, Daan Fierens, Fabián Güiza, Geert Meyfroidt, Hendrik Blockeel, Maurice Bruynooghe, Greet Vanden Berghe: Mining data from intensive care patients. Advanced Engineering Informatics 21(3): 243-256 (2007)
28EEJan Ramon, Tom Croonenborghs, Daan Fierens, Hendrik Blockeel, Maurice Bruynooghe: Generalized Ordering-Search for Learning Directed Probabilistic Logical Models. ILP 2006: 40-42
27EECeline Vens, Jan Ramon, Hendrik Blockeel: ReMauve: A Relational Model Tree Learner. ILP 2006: 424-438
26EETamás Horváth, Jan Ramon, Stefan Wrobel: Frequent subgraph mining in outerplanar graphs. KDD 2006: 197-206
25EETamás Horváth, Jan Ramon, Stefan Wrobel: Frequent Subgraph Mining in Outerplanar Graphs. LWA 2006: 290-296
24EECeline Vens, Jan Ramon, Hendrik Blockeel: Refining Aggregate Conditions in Relational Learning. PKDD 2006: 383-394
23EEKurt Driessens, Jan Ramon, Thomas Gärtner: Graph kernels and Gaussian processes for relational reinforcement learning. Machine Learning 64(1-3): 91-119 (2006)
22 Daan Fierens, Hendrik Blockeel, Maurice Bruynooghe, Jan Ramon: Logical Bayesian Networks and Their Relation to Other Probabilistic Logical Models. BNAIC 2005: 343-344
21EEDaan Fierens, Jan Ramon, Hendrik Blockeel, Maurice Bruynooghe: A Comparison of Approaches for Learning Probability Trees. ECML 2005: 556-563
20EEDaan Fierens, Hendrik Blockeel, Maurice Bruynooghe, Jan Ramon: Logical Bayesian Networks and Their Relation to Other Probabilistic Logical Models. ILP 2005: 121-135
19EETom Croonenborghs, Karl Tuyls, Jan Ramon, Maurice Bruynooghe: Multi-agent Relational Reinforcement Learning. LAMAS 2005: 192-206
18EEJan Ramon, Tom Croonenborghs: Searching for Compound Goals Using Relevancy Zones in the Game of Go. Computers and Games 2004: 113-128
17 Luc De Raedt, Jan Ramon: Condensed Representations for Inductive Logic Programming. KR 2004: 438-446
16EEJan Struyf, Jan Ramon, Maurice Bruynooghe, Sofie Verbaeten, Hendrik Blockeel: Compact Representation of Knowledge Bases in Inductive Logic Programming. Machine Learning 57(3): 305-333 (2004)
15 Kurt Driessens, Jan Ramon: Relational Instance Based Regression for Relational Reinforcement Learning. ICML 2003: 123-130
14EEThomas Gärtner, Kurt Driessens, Jan Ramon: Graph Kernels and Gaussian Processes for Relational Reinforcement Learning. ILP 2003: 146-163
13EEJan Struyf, Jan Ramon, Hendrik Blockeel: Compact Representation of Knowledge Bases in ILP. ILP 2002: 254-269
12EEJan Ramon: Clustering and instance based learning in first order logic. AI Commun. 15(4): 217-218 (2002)
11EEHendrik Blockeel, Luc Dehaspe, Bart Demoen, Gerda Janssens, Jan Ramon, Henk Vandecasteele: Improving the Efficiency of Inductive Logic Programming Through the Use of Query Packs. J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR) 16: 135-166 (2002)
10EEKurt Driessens, Jan Ramon, Hendrik Blockeel: Speeding Up Relational Reinforcement Learning through the Use of an Incremental First Order Decision Tree Learner. ECML 2001: 97-108
9EEJan Ramon, Maurice Bruynooghe: A polynomial time computable metric between point sets. Acta Inf. 37(10): 765-780 (2001)
8EEJan Ramon, Tom Francis, Hendrik Blockeel: Learning a Go Heuristic with TILDE. Computers and Games 2000: 151-169
7EEHendrik Blockeel, Luc Dehaspe, Bart Demoen, Gerda Janssens, Jan Ramon, Henk Vandecasteele: Executing Query Packs in ILP. ILP 2000: 60-77
6EEJan Ramon, Luc Dehaspe: Using Belief Networks to Neutralize Known Dependencies in Conceptual Clustering. ILP Work-in-progress reports 2000
5EEHendrik Blockeel, Luc De Raedt, Jan Ramon: Top-down induction of clustering trees CoRR cs.LG/0011032: (2000)
4EEShan-Hwei Nienhuys-Cheng, Wim Van Laer, Jan Ramon, Luc De Raedt: Generalizing Refinement Operators to Learn Prenex Conjunctive Normal Forms. ILP 1999: 245-256
3EEJan Ramon, Luc De Raedt: Instance Based Function Learning. ILP 1999: 268-278
2 Hendrik Blockeel, Luc De Raedt, Jan Ramon: Top-Down Induction of Clustering Trees. ICML 1998: 55-63
1 Jan Ramon, Maurice Bruynooghe: A Framework for Defining Distances Between First-Order Logic Objects. ILP 1998: 271-280

Coauthor Index

1Laura-Andreea Antanas [40]
2Greet Vanden Berghe [29]
3Hendrik Blockeel [2] [5] [7] [8] [10] [11] [13] [16] [20] [21] [22] [24] [27] [28] [29] [32] [33] [35] [37] [41] [44]
4Maurice Bruynooghe [1] [9] [16] [19] [20] [21] [22] [28] [29] [31] [32] [33] [35] [37] [41]
5Toon Calders [38]
6Tom Croonenborghs [18] [19] [28] [33] [34] [37] [40] [43]
7Luc Dehaspe [6] [7] [11]
8Bart Demoen [7] [11]
9Kurt Driessens [10] [14] [15] [23] [34] [40] [43]
10Dries Van Dyck [38]
11Daan Fierens [20] [21] [22] [28] [29] [32] [35] [37]
12Tom Francis [8]
13Thomas Gärtner [14] [23]
14Robby Goetschalckx [36]
15Kurt De Grave [42]
16Fabián Güiza [29]
17Tamás Horváth [25] [26] [39]
18Gerda Janssens [7] [11]
19Wim Van Laer [4]
20Geert Meyfroidt [29]
21Shan-Hwei Nienhuys-Cheng [4]
22Siegfried Nijssen [30]
23Marc J. V. Ponsen [43]
24Luc De Raedt [2] [3] [4] [5] [17] [42] [45]
25Leander Schietgat [31] [41]
26Jude W. Shavlik [44]
27Jan Struyf [13] [16]
28Prasad Tadepalli [44]
29Karl Tuyls [19] [43]
30Henk Vandecasteele [7] [11]
31Celine Vens [24] [27]
32Sofie Verbaeten [16]
33Stefan Wrobel [25] [26]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)